Wednesday, November 10, 2010

White Glove

my cat is way too happy right now. she manifests her happiness mainly by purring excessively and sitting on my knee, resting her front paws in the space between my keyboard and mouse. this is a very cute thing, until you need to stop typing and reach for the mouse. then it's a game of either driving the cat crazy by reaching under her, or driving yourself crazy trying to reach around her, while she is rubbing her purring face all up on your hand that is trying to make the move. the most adorably frustrating experience in the world, no? yes. yes it is.

today i was supposed to get a drug test, but i decided to wait until the last minute [well, at least the last hour] and traffic was nuts, so i ended up getting there at around fifteen minutes until closing. and the dude went home early. go figure! so i have to go in the morning tomorrow to make my 48 hour deadline so people don't think i'm a drug addict that is trying to cheat the system. yeah, that's me! crazy, drug-addict bud. i know, it's a standard test for jobs like this one, the applicants for which i would assume may very well be drug addicts. it's a living. that's basically the only eventful thing i've done today, and all i feel like typing about.

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