Friday, November 19, 2010

Phone Books

so i was so tired when i got home today that, after taking care of some business up to and including posting yesterday's blog, i totally fell asleep. and by fell asleep, i mean went to sleep. but i got back up at 11:30 and made potstickers. they were delicious. i did this because if i had slept through the night i would've gotten way too much sleep, and that's just not good for me. it just makes me more tired. i think i've addressed this in a previous blog, though that was likely so long ago that it isn't even relevant. now i'm wondering if any new readers went through and read all the old blogs. that would be very time consuming. i'd be really impressed, actually.

oh, i also did it because i had homework.

today i worked from 10-6 and learned that i've been scheduled to work on sunday, which is so not happening. i'm getting more comfortable at the job now, and it's actually kind of enjoyable when the day goes by quickly, a.k.a. i'm not standing around doing nothing all the time. did you guys know that i once quit a job for that reason? my job was essentially to do nothing and sit in a car all day long. it was the best and worst job ever at the same time. figure that one out!

upon reflection, a few youtube comments and a review of the book, i've determined that i just totally imagined the idea of harry taking draco's wand by disarming him formally, because it didn't actually happen. it happened just like it did in the movie... i guess i read it in. you'll see why it's important though, in the final battle between harry and voldemort. that is, if you haven't read the books yet. and if you haven't, you should, because they're better than the movies. anyway, that's about all that's interesting that has happened today, and tomorrow is likely to be just as dull, though i'll try to think of another topic to talk about as well.

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