it's interesting that about three years ago, i wouldn't only have thought the picture below this was funny, i would've bought right into it and seen it as good advertisement for church. now i see it and consider it blasphemous and a clear violation of the second commandment. what a difference a day, a confession, and a firm grasp of reformed theology makes, eh? most people would look at that and say 'wow, you've gotten really uptight then. that's funny and eye-catching.' but i'd have to agree and disagree. the image is funny, that's for sure, but only as a caricaturization of how ridiculous the church has gotten. it's eye-catching, but in the wrong way.'
yeah, we saw that sign on the way to the movie theatre to see 'hereafter' yesterday, another movie about the afterlife that assumes some sort of ambiguous unitarian universalist heaven concept. the script was okay, the child actors were terrible, matt damon's character and the french girl were all well developed, but in the end i didn't feel like anything was accomplished. we made the unfortunate mistake of going into the wrong theatre at first and seeing the last 10 or so minutes before realizing our mistake. i should've known that the movie wouldn't start so random with no previews. ha! silly us.
after the movie, we came home and christin did some more 'exploration'. after she went to bed i picked up a bit of that as well, watched some youtube videos [i'm almost caught up] and tried my best to solo karazhan as an elemental shaman. that was interesting. a few of the encounters take a bit of time and strategy, like the big bad wolf. for that fight, my totems ended up doing most of the damage while i kited the boss in a little red riding hood costume and hit flame shock every time i was out of it. it was pretty funny. maiden is doable but too much work, i got up to curator and i'll probably finish the rest tomorrow.
note: faaaaail. left this window open again.
I would agree with you on the sign. That it is borderline blasphemous. Especially because if you consider the meaning of gangster as it relates to today. Gangster does not represent what is good just the opposite. To me that sign is saying Christ is not good.