Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Minor Victory

as most of you already know through other forms of social media [though blogging isn't strictly a form of social media per se, so 'other' may not be the most accurate adjective], i now have a job. this is the part of the vlog where i cut to an alternate personality and say 'wow, bud. could you have phrased that more awkwardly?' and then i cut back to the first one and yell 'yaaa, trick, yaaa!!!' wow, bud. meta-blogging about vlogging now? i can't even handle myself. yes! i have a job! it's at sears, but it's a paycheck. i'm slowly realizing what this will mean.

working in retail is sort of a way of forcing yourself into a time warped dimension where nothing is certain, because your schedule is constantly changing. this means that my availability to do things other than work is also erratic, and usually greatly impeded by the looming possibility of work at any given time. i hope to minimize this downside, but don't really see how i can. as such, i fear that my level of participation in the area of blogging and vlogging will most likely suffer as a result of this job. well, definitely the vlogging [because of time] but maybe not so much the blogging. i'd imagine that work will offer many amusing anecdotes to fuel potential blog topics and interesting posts.

stay tuned, sports racers... racin' sports.

ze frank references. ha! am i sure i know why i don't vlog more regularly? i think it's because i'm of the opinion that i won't ever amount to much. that kind of kills my motivation. anyway, today had more things happen in it than just getting a job, christin and i also met with our pastor for our first confession/catechism 'talk' or lesson or whatever you want to call it. it was great. we got through the first section of the first article and covered just about every topic you can imagine. that's what happens when you get me talking about theology. christin tracked well and enjoyed it, and we celebrated the new job by going to friday's. it was delicious.

we got home and i fed the neighbor cat and headed out to the movies to go see 'inside job' which is surprisingly not about 9/11 as i would expect it to be. it was about the financial crisis, and my response can be summed up by the two tweets i sent out after leaving the theatre... they do well to place blame on de-regulation for causing the crisis to accelerate and worsen, but fail to address the factors that started it in the first place. it's sort of like throwing gasoline on a fire, then blaming the gasoline for making the fire burn things. in the words of the great philosopher billy joel, 'it was always burnin' since the fed was creating fiat money!' that wasn't a verbatim quote? oh. well it should've been.

note: i apparently didn't end up actually hitting publish last night. this blog looks unfinished, so that's probably why. i tend to get distracted late at night. the last thing i remember was christin asking for a cup of water and 'the burnies' [read: calcium carbonate], and i probably just went to bed after that. yeah, i think that's what happened. when i got on my computer today, my blogger tab wasn't even open, so there ya go. that explains the late publishing. yaaa, trick, yaaa!!!

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