Monday, November 1, 2010

Dumb Sweater, Bro

today i bought and ate lots of candy, cleaned up a bit around the house, ran some errands for my lovely wife, made some amazing pasta and made this. it was good times. it's my mom's birthday today, and i called her and chatted for a while about my dad buying door handles on ebay. yeah, very exciting, i know. my head itches and i need a shower. that's gonna have to wait until morning. after all was said and done, i played some wow with my brother and rocked some battlegrounds that was good times as well. then schoolwork, ugh. one more week for this class!

i think my cat is only interested in sitting in the most inconvenient locations on my desk, like on top of my laptop or on top of my mouse, or in the space on my lap between my body and the keyboard. whatever will most seriously impede my ability to type is clearly her dwelling place of choice. if she weren't so cute, it would be easier to knock her off the desk and just keep going, which i do a lot of the time, especially when i'm playing games. but it's sad, and she usually just jumps right back on. she's a persistent little bugger, she is. but that's okay, i still love her.

tomorrow i think i'm going to call around to some local staffing agencies and get myself listed or get some applications or forms or whatever i need to start finding some work. it's getting a bit ridiculous, and i need to step up my game, yo. i also need to take care of my wild mane of hair, facial and otherwise. it's getting kind of out of control at this point, and i need a cut. i should most likely call my friend elyce, who owes me a haircut, or suck it up and pay some money to get it done by a pro. hmm. decisions. either way, i need some way of trimming my beard. that'll be a priority for tuesday, for sure. goodnight, internets.

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