thus ends another month. into the black, words to the ether. granted, many read this, but many more will never even think twice about it or regret not reading it. does it matter? not in the end, unless your goal is to know me. i feel that i've done well enough to communicate enough of who i am through this blog to sufficiently give someone a picture of buel newman. i'll continue. when i hit the one year mark, i'll decide if i want to continue doing this daily. i probably will, thinking right now, but i hope such discipline remains a priority for me. it'll serve me particularly well once we've gone back to hong kong.
speaking of which...
i've been mentioning the struggle between the decision to go to seminary or not, and at this point i am unexpectedly leaning away from the idea. there are a lot of reasons that i won't get into here, and i don't want to simplify it, but the basic gist is that i'm just not sure it's the right move for me at this point and season in my life. going back is the biggest and most important thing, and i want to do it right. but right now i'm thinking that may not be best served by heading off to two to three more years of school before going out, as well as essentially rendering my last few years of work toward the end of teaching english rather pointless.
anyway, that's enough musing for the day. today we got the jeep 'smogged' and it passed and all that jazz. good for two years, which is [in my opinion] hopefully more time than we plan to be in this state, let alone the country. elijah and i hung out during the day, spent some time with the wife at her job and then escorted her to school to register for her classes. good for christin! then we went to the mall and had delicious fake chinese food and hung out at lovesac. then we came home and watched some south park, some movie and some firefly. he's liking it more now, which is excellent. i find the repeat viewing equally satisfying as the first. ;-D