Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rainn, Will's Son

my wife just walked to the toilet and i turned to see her, but my vision was blurred because there's only one light on and it's right in front of me. well, that and the laptop staring back at me. it's weird that i had to stare for a minute to see if she was even there, because there wasn't enough light and my eyes hadn't adjusted to the lack of light to see even a dim outline of her frame. weird to think about how what we see is really just light reflected off a human body, not the body itself, or anything else for that matter. we see a reflection of what is, and a shadow of reality. weird. it's too late to be thinking like this, isn't it? yep.

just finished writing a paper that i should've written two days ago, and then should've written last night, but didn't end up writing because i couldn't concentrate. this time, since i don't open tomorrow [which i did today], i was able to stay up way later than julie, johnny, and my lovely wife, and get it all done. which i did. it was alright, i guess, but i probably could've written better. anyway, i also made this today, which i'm pretty proud of. i think it came out very solid, and the views [and how rapid they came] seem to agree with that thought.

i finished filming as soon as i got home, which was kind of difficult because i'm not feeling good at all today. i almost got sick in the toilet at work this afternoon, which is bad news bears. managed to keep it down for the rest of the shift. well, most of it really, considering i did go home a half hour early. once i finished filming, i edited for about a good, solid five hours. that's a long time. i probably could've gotten it done faster, but i spent a lot of time talking to johnny during the whole process, as well as a lot of time unnecessarily obsessing over audio sync. i think it paid off in the finished product, though, and i'm very happy with it all.

now it's bedtime, because it's very close to my absolute upward limit of time i can stay up 'til [4am], and i do actually have to work tomorrow, even though it's a late shift. that was a terrible sentence. goodnight.

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