today i woke up at what i would consider a reasonable hour: 11:30am. considering i got to bed at around 5, i think that's pretty good. anyway, we went to the mall to visit becky at work and to eat lunch before heading downtown. we checked out a bit of the sights in annapolis, which was cool, and saw a juggler dude on the docks. he juggled a flaming torch, a huge knife, and a bowling ball while balancing on some ridiculous contraption. it was pretty dinosaurs. anyway, after a bit of that, we went back to town and got some food to make dinner at the house, which julie cooked up into some vegan tortilla soup. it was pretty amazing, actually.
we ate that and watched the first two episodes of firefly, then christin went to bed and johnny and i decided to watch black dynamite. good choice. it's basically a classic 70's blaxploitation film, but it was made in 2009, giving it extra awesomeness. i had heard about it on the nerdist podcast, and had meant to watch it, just kept forgetting about it. then i saw it on netflix instant and we just watched it. now i'm catching up on blogs, and julie/johnny are camping out, watching true lies and basically falling asleep to it. excellent. speaking of falling asleep, i'm gonna go do that. i really don't want to work tomorrow, but alas... i must make money. goodnight.
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