this is a thing that was made by me, which you should watch and enjoy! i spent most of the day making it, fending off all manner of interruptions in the form of broken laptops and broken tripods and crappy sd cards. but alas, i have vanquished the beast of a video, and it is now available for your viewing pleasure! man, i really have been reading too much fantasy. not quite halfway through game of thrones now, and it's picking up. great read. the wife and i are almost through with the series, which we started watching earlier this week. she's liking it.
so i went on ashford's site and it looks like i've maintained the 4.0 gpa afterall. go me! 100% on the final, which is not surprising, but at the same time i wasn't entirely sure about it after i had written it. granted, i'm a bit hard on myself, but i dunno. i guess i did well. now for the waiting game with jobs, applying and hoping, et cetera. can't really look too extensively for anything until after the trip to california. mom and dad are giving me some money for graduation, which is cool. essentially paid for half of my camera, but i may use a bit of it to get a kindle. i like the app and i'd like the actual device a bit more. realistic, like paper, not backlit so i don't kill my eyes. anyway, yes.
i got into google+ today, and it's fantabulous. i'd say more, but it's way too late to be posting blogs as it is, so i'm just going to head off. more on that front tomorrow!
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