Tuesday, June 14, 2011


today i scripted and filmed most of tomorrow's video, which was a blast but frustrating at the same time. i didn't budget my morning well, and ended up sleeping in a bit later than i wanted, so i didn't have time to finish filming it all today like i had planned. on the plus side, i think the audio is going to be much better on this video than the last one, which was still better than the other recent ones. good times railroad! today i worked a closing shift right after getting on the video train to footage town. it wasn't particularly memorable, but working with flanda is always humorous.

i like the way this script turned out. it's not as punchline-driven as the last one was, but it's way more comprehensive and has an overarching theme throughout the show. i won't reveal what it is now, though i'm writing this the next day when it's already been released so many of you probably already know what it is. ha! silly silly. anyway, that's about it for this day. when i got home, we watched some more firefly and called it a night. a good night, of course. goodnight.

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