today was delightfully unproductive, but fun. i woke up way earlier than i should have, after getting to sleep way later than i should have [couldn't sleep, obsessing over webshow] and headed to meet the wife and our nephews that she nannies. is that even a verb? whatever. we went to the children's museum, which was less like a museum and more like a cool place to play, and we had a great time. if you're friends with me on facebook, you can check out some pictures of us playing dress-up. christin tagged me. yep. good stuff.
i came home and i was supposed to do the laundry, but i just didn't. i think i'll get up at a reasonable hour tomorrow and do it then, because i can't think of any other time i could get it done in the near future. blah. instead of doing that, i abrogated my responsibility for another day and responded to youtube comments and watched a few videos. i also played a bit of guitar. hadn't done that in a while. i want to keep doing song wednesdays, but i picked wednesday for my show date, so that doesn't look like it's possible. oh well. maybe once a month. after that, we had our meeting with the pastor and watched the rest of season six of grey's anatomy. yeah. it just got real, son. it was crazy. one may say 'bananas.'
anyway, my homework is done [on time for once] and it's well past my bedtime, so i shall head off and leave you with this thought: dinosaurs.
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