Thursday, January 6, 2011

Xander Harris

half a rap, half a song, lots of ideas. that's what i accomplished today. i also got a bandcamp site up for all of the background music on my videos, which can be seen here if one is so inclined. some of it is free [the cheesy stuff that i didn't spend much time on, but can still be used] and some of it is very cheap, hence the separation. anyway, today was a good day. i got a lot of rest after a night of not-so-great sleep, which was the second in a row now, and i got a lot accomplished. school started again so that's moving along as well, which is good.

tomorrow i call nordstrom's warehouse to see if i passed my test, or should i say to confirm that i've passed my test, and record two videos. i was only going to do one, but then i saw this video and now i'm going to do a video response to it on my second channel. the huck finn thing is just ridiculous. in other news, apparently there were some explosive packages found in state buildings in maryland today. so much for the safety provided by the crackdown on everything everywhere in our country and the abrogation of our personal privacy and freedom! good thing we're winning this fight and we are soon to be free of terrorism. heh.

note: post fail.

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