today at work, i had an interesting memory that got me laughing. i touched a piece of metal after shuffling my feet [they tend to drag], and got a bit of static shock. the experience immediately made me chuckle to myself, because it instantly transported me back to grammar school. those of you who grew up in the 80's using apple 2e computers may remember how they used to tell you to always touch the legs of your chair before touching a computer. the idea was that the static shock could interfere with or mess up the system. was that ever true? is it still true? i never do it.
today i made this, and i like it. i also worked, which was just fine. i went in early to do training for my transition between seasonal and regular, which is cool because that means i'm not fired. i still don't have a full-time 'real job,' but this one will do for now. today was a long day, everything about it felt slow and arduous. speaking of long, i did a heroic vortex pinnacle tonight, and it took like two hours. and we only wiped once... what's up with that? too much trash there. it's not even hard, either. that second boss is a real pain, though. ;-X goodnight.
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