i don't think i have an internal clock. or at least, if i do have one, it isn't ticking anymore. if i don't set an alarm or someone doesn't wake me up, i pretty much just keep sleeping. such was the case today, when i woke up at around 1:30pm [because christin woke me] and rolled out of the bedroom at about an hour later. we watched some more buffy, finished season six by the end of the night. it was interesting, because i can see how people dislike that season, but at the same time i think it was good and actually necessary to character and plot development. it sets up the last video season as well [there is an 8th in comic book form].
work tonight was interesting. it was really busy, and i was the only one at lands' end [i know the apostrophe is in the wrongplace , it's a famous typo that ended up in the brand name], so that made things a bit hectic. i had some majorly annoying customers as well, so that was bad times. no break, but the time went quickly due to the lack of downtime. didn't get any training done, but that doesn't really bother me all that much.
i got home and did my homework that was due two nights ago. i don't know what it is about maintaining a 4.0 that makes me feel like i'm some kind of invincible force, but i don't care much about deadlines lately, unless it's the last day of class. it's like the penalty is so negligibly small that there's no worry of it actually making a serious impact on my overall grade. as long as i do well on the work, especially the final paper, everything is fine. this class doesn't even have any quizes or anything, so if i just do what i have to do, i'll get an 'a' in the end. i guess that doesn't put much meaning behind the gpa, but i take what i can get.
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