Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kali Ma

your cut-rate insurance may not pay for apostrophes. if so, you'd better learn how to use them to show possession by clicking here and watching my video slash listening to my song on the topic. and then you should buy the mp3 from our bandcamp page so my children can have food to eat. and by children, i mean animals; and by food, i mean drugs. whew, glad that's over. i hate ripping off dumb insurance commercials, especially when they involve mayhem. anyway, that's mostly what i did today, work on that song and that video. i enjoyed most of it.

my wife does a lot for me. she puts up with my dumb video-making and songwriting, she listens and always supports, and always links my stuff on facebook. she's pretty much the best wife in the world, and i don't tell her that enough. so i'm telling her that right now on my blog. christin-chan, i loving you. i loving you a lot. when i wake up in the morning, i hope i see your face because you said you'd wake me up. but if you read this and you haven't seen my face in the morning, you should probably text me a picture of your face so i can see it. then i'll come bring you a cheese log. you're the best... around.

tomorrow is going to be a day of productivity. i've got non-educational songs to write/finish and potentially produce, and i've got promotion to do. i've also got resumes to send out [well actually i only have two resumes, and i'm going to send those two resumes out to many places, giving the illusion that i'm sending out many of them]. i don't like job hunting. maybe i should make a cover letter and send it with my 'teaching' resumes, linking my youtube channel there. then maybe the potential employer would see how awesome i am at teaching seemingly mundane aspects of the english language to teenagers and want to give me a job doing that.

i doubt it, but it'd be cool.

most likely what would happen is that they would never actually read the cover letter, because they would skip to the resume part and see that i only have 6 months of actual formal teaching experience in a school/centre. then they would likely toss my resume in the proverbial pile [i don't think computers have piles, unless these hypothetical people are printing out e-mails, to which i would respond 'why in the world would you do that?']. but that's enough eeyore for this blog entry. on a positive note: my kitty is really cute. and my new video is getting lots of comments. these two things make me very happy, but not as happy as my wife makes me.

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