it seems like every time i say we're going to babysit in a video or blog, we don't end up doing it. i guess this means i should always mention it. zing! we hung out at the homestead and headed out to a fabulous date. dragon house for linner, rita's water ice for dessert, lush for shampoo and talking to our new friend tiffany [i think that was her name] followed by a rousing adventure in a hot tub time machine. it was just about the most ridiculous movie i've seen in recent memory, but none the less quite humorous.
then we came home and watched the big bang theory and we had taco bell for what would've been fourthmeal if either of us had even had the third. and now it's time for bed. sorry for the boring post but you should expect it by now. church tomorrow! woot!
Hum....I thought this blog was going to be about something else.