today was an action-packed day! we worked out in our new gym, which was totally awesome. as you can see in the picture below, we spent our wonderful workout in the 'cardio cinema' which is exactly what it looks/sounds like. we watched the end of one of the riddick movies [which was not as bad as i expected] and the beginning of some cop movie with ed norton. it was a different experience for sure, but a welcome one. ;-D

listening to norma jean on the way to and from the eastern shore today got me missing the old days with my friends in california. i can't remember how many times we blasted that album in matt's saturn, driving back and forth from temecula to san marcos or making late night breakfast jack runs. can't have those days again, but at least i have the memories. speaking of memories, i looked up the first and second places we lived in hong kong on google maps on my phone. crazy. i miss it there so much.
and your wife is listening to thursday... what is this? a nostalgic day or something? i love you. although we hang on to those memories and miss those times - an exciting future is waiting for us and the best thing we can do is pray and press on! ngoh oi nei.