yes, figaro. the kingdom of course, not the song or beloved pet. go go final fantasy! today's video, 012, is up and i think it came out pretty good. i always say that though, don't i? actually i think the only one that i didn't like all that much in recent history [read: since 005 a.k.a. since i actually got serious about vlogging] is 010. just because i didn't put all that much effort into it. you tell me. no, really. tell me. i need to know! feedback!
tomorrow, christin and i will hang out in the day and do all sorts of craziness and maybe have some fun as well. tomorrow night, we're babysitting the twins, which should be interesting as usual. while some may call it babysitting, i call it hanging out at rhonda and richard's house while the babies sleep soundly in their rooms. a.k.a. we're probably going to get totally caught up on the big bang theory. that won't take long, considering we're on episode 10 out of 19 now. woot! then we've got to get caught up on heroes and house.
oh life, how exciting you are.
my sister says i need more hyperbole in my posts to make them interesting. to that, i say purple monkey dishwasher! or karate pencil case. either one, really. anyway, today ruled like a llama with a burkah in the middle of 7-11 drinking a cherry slurpee through a slim jim straw! no really, just picture that and imagine how awesome it would look. man, that's awesome. so awesome i'm just going to stop typing now, because nothing i will ever enter into this text box will ever be as cool as that visual.
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