Sunday, May 23, 2010

Live Together, Die Together?

alternate title: why i both loved and hated the series finale of lost. the short story: take season six and remove all of the 'alternate reality' or flash-sideways scenes, including the finale, and you've got a great ending to a great show. what aired tonight, however, was quite possibly the greatest cop-out in television history. i would have almost preferred 'it was all a dream' to 'everyone dies but it's okay because unitarian universalist heaven is totally bangin' and everybody gets to chill out with each other in the bright white light forever.'

i'm totally fine with everyone dying. if christian shepherd's body was still in the coffin and the end of the 'alternate reality' held that the church transported them to the island and everyone lived out their lives there in actual reality, that would've been fine too. but this... this is just pure laziness. i get that it's supposed to be somewhat open-ended. i get that it actually kind of makes sense if you ignore every theological and common sense notion of life, death and heaven.

but dude. really?

where's the sci-fi ending? what happened to the island? a few seasons ago, it became abundantly clear [thanks in part to the systematic killing off of almost every main character] that this show was about the island. not the characters. but season 6 comes in and now it's about the characters again? i stopped caring about jack, kate and a lot of the other characters who became predictable and annoying like two seasons ago. trying to make me care about them and ignore the fact that there were so many unanswered questions about the actual star of the show [the island] is just insulting to people who invested time in the show.

edit: if i may add to this, i still love the show. i respect the fact that the producers stuck to their timeline and wanted to end the show how they did. it's fine, in the end. it's not how i would've ended it, and it left too much unanswered, and a lot of the explanations that it offered left a lot of the things that happened over the past 6 seasons totally pointless. in the end, it was still a good show. a good show with a highly disappointing conclusion.

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