Sunday, December 19, 2010

What On Earth?

i've always taken things like washing machines for granted. the only other time in my life where i didn't own one was when i was in hong kong, so i thought 'well that's different.' because it's another country and all. but even then we had a washer at a couple of the places we stayed, just not a dryer as well, and we had to put up the line. but then we just took our stuff to the cleaners, which was not cheap, but it was very convenient and no work. today i went to the laundromat. it's not bad, i'm not complaining, it's just different. it's something out of the norm for me, and i thought it was worth mentioning on here. that's all.

tomorrow i've got to work again, and it's our last full day with elijah here, at least for the forseeable future. we played some wow tonight, which was fun [got my paladin to level 56], and we finished up firefly and serenity in the daytime with christin. that was wonderful. i love that show. tomorrow i'm the lunch reliever work person thing at work. heh. 11:45am-5pm, which is a weird shift. it's barely 15 minutes over a 5-hour shift, necessitating a 30 minute break, so they get me from the times they want without having to pay me for a half hour of it. strange. but it's a paycheck. i've got a prospect in the works for a new potential job, but i won't be releasing details at this time. just pray for wisdom. thanks.

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