Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Governments Don't

i have five minutes to type this before my computer automatically shuts down because it needs to install updates and i don't want to hit 'postpone' again. ha! so work today was pretty brutal. i got to work at 8:45 only to learn that i wasn't actually scheduled until 9:45 [thanks, schedule] and yeah. i worked until 5pm, headed home and we went to the in-laws' for lasagna and pecan pie, the latter of which i did not eat, but the former of which was delicious as expected. yep.

i don't have to work tomorrow or friday, which is good because elijah will be leaving on tuesday and it'll be cool to spend a bit more time with him before he goes. it's been a good vacation so far for him and for us as well, though it's been a little weird and crazy at times with the whole 'is he gonna stay with us' thing, but in the end it's just the best decision for him to go. he may come back next summer, which would be cool, but we'll see where we're all at by that point. who knows, maybe i'll get my degree and start applying places and by this time next year, we'll be in hong kong. well, i can dream. i'm incredibly tired! goodnight.

p.s. two minutes left. you know i rule. owwwww!

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