the guest pastor today at trinity reformed was great, and i thoroughly enjoyed and was blessed by his message. he discussed a portion of scripture that, honestly, i would normally breeze past. it's the first 7 verses of joshua chapter thirteen, talking about dividing up the currently unconquered and not-yet-possessed lands amongst the israelite tribes. there was a lot to say about god doing the work and providing the victory, all joshua needed to do was divide the land up. despite the fact that he was far from the ideal candidate [he was very old], God chose to use him.
elijah seemed to enjoy the service as well. he hadn't been to church for about six months or so, and honestly i can't really blame him. the only church nearby that isn't an abomination [read: catholic] is entirely in french and hard for him to really glean anything from the message and fellowship with the saints there. i think it's good for him to be able to go to a proper church. anyway, today was fun. after church, we ate lunch at kfc [don't ask... i had a hankering] and headed home to catch up on the amazing race and community. then i caught up on homework and cried as the chargers got totally destroyed by the evil raiders.
stupid raiders. seriously. ugh.
all in all, it was a great day today. lots of time spent with friends, christin and i got some time to ourselves, and elijah and i got to get our new characters on wow to level 30 and get dual specced before 3am, which is an accomplishment in and of itself considering i wasted some time selling off crap from my main's bank and sending stuff to a bank alt. good times. tomorrow we'll get into a few instances, which will be cool, before i have to go to work at 5pm. should be excellent! until then, this is me, signing off. wow, that was lame. don't ever let me do that again. goodnight.
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