Monday, December 6, 2010

Hot Stepper

and so begins the packing. well, at least the organization before the packing. going through our stuff in big boxes, etc. and arranging it all and getting it ready to be moved to the new place. exciting! the rest of most of my day was not eventful, however. elijah and i played some wow, i went to work which was annoying, and did a bit of homework as well. i swear, sears is one of the worst managed companies i've ever worked for. no one seems to know what they're doing.

maybe i'm working too hard, but when i walk by literally 5 people doing absolutely nothing with a handful of stuff that has to go back to different departments [which is not actually my job, but i can't make the people who are supposed to do this job do it]... and they don't even look at me or offer to help or anything. it's mind-boggling. truly mind-boggling. anyway, not to complain. i make a decent wage in terms of the difficulty of the job vs. the amount of money i'm paid hourly. the hours suck, but it's work. going to be looking more intently for a better one once we get settled in the new place. cataclysm in 10 minutes, but i'm going to sleep. goodnight!

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