Friday, October 22, 2010

Job's Done

i was a bit nervous at first because the stream for blizzcon before the event started was looking like total crap, but once things got rolling it was pretty much flawless for the whole day. so far the event has been pretty awesome, though it's really not the same as being there. last year, christin and i did watch on directv in a similar fashion to this year's live stream [but only one channel, which meant that the content was very limited], and it wasn't nearly as cool as when we had gone previously in person. that was a great year. the energy and atmosphere make it.

anyway, the announcement was the new class for diablo 3, the demon hunter, and i'm super stoked for that. i was an amazon enthusiast in d2, so that's totally gonna be my class when the game comes out. exciting! can't wait to play with christin and my two siblings, even julie loves diablo. the other announcement was less interesting to me, pvp arenas for diablo 3. just another way to keep their company on the cutting edge of e-sports, methinks, though i doubt it will be balanced enough to be a competitive thing in the end. *shrug*

like world of warcraft arena is... ha!

speaking of which, after the contests were over for the second time [replayed them for christin when she got home from work, which she was at all day, the poor thing], i watched a bit of the wow tournament which was neat. cool to see shaman represented in the arena, though it was less cool that they're all my least favorite build, elemental. there was one team that played with a resto shaman, but they pretty much got obliterated. sucks. maybe at 85 we'll be more realistic as anything other than 'burst on demand'. probably not.

the panels were cool, the contests were cool too. unfortunately none of the costumes were quite as elaborate as last year's winner [that mistress of pain was ridiculous] or the year before [turtle mount ftw], but the winner deserved it in my opinion. the dance contest was entertaining, but the live band was a bad idea... missing cues, playing dull versions of stuff that could've been so cool with piped in music. bad execution. mohr was funny, but not a lot of people get his humor. the co-host, directv chick, was terrible as always. totally uninteresting. metzen is a rock star.

well, that's it for now. tomorrow will be another exciting day of blizzcon, though we will have to rewatch the first panel later because we're going to see back to the future in the theatre, which will be truly epic. christin and i are super excited for that. ;-D we're also heading to the local community college to talk to them about getting christin in for some g.e. headed toward a degree similar to mine. we gon' git us two edumacated indivijials in this here family! i dunno why i typed it like that. don't ask! goodnight.

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