Thursday, October 7, 2010

Emergent Literacy

you may have noticed that the ads are gone. apparently, my account was disabled due to 'invalid activity' which basically means that google felt like disabling it. i can appeal and possibly get it back, but i don't really like ads anyway. i saw it as an easy way to make a small amount of money just for doing something that i do everyday anyway, but unfortunately google has decided to deny me that small pleasure. if it's going to be that difficult, i'd rather not clutter the blog with ads. oh well.

i have no more stitches in my gums. *cheers*

today i worked on my new website and got a visually appealing navigation with functional coding, which is a huge accomplishment for me. learning to use div/span instead of tables is certainly an adjustment, but i like that i don't much have to worry about different browsers interacting with the tables differently anymore, or piecing images together in tables. those things were annoying. now i just get to stare at the split-screen code/preview in dreamweaver [which is the reason i use it at all considering i end up writing the code by hand anyway] instead. i can live with that.

all i need to do now that the look is there and the code is bangin' is to make the links work and come up with some actual content. the bulk of the site is going to be embedded video-based, linking from my youtube account through an embedded player. i've got an idea of how i want it to look in my head, but translating that may prove difficult. i'm trying not to shoot too high, because i would like to have the site up and functional and full of content by the end of the month. we'll see if i meet that goal. i might actually get it up sooner.

tomorrow i've got to do a video. i kind of want to do a sketch, i've got a half-baked idea for a new geekin' out video, and i've got a great idea for a talky video response. i'm sure people are getting sick of video responses now, but i really think this one is such a good idea that it may be worth the effort. maybe i'll throw in some character-acted meta-insults to lighten the mood and make people forget it's just me talking again. and i'll keep it under 3 minutes. how's that sound? i think i just decided what i'm doing. i need to do another 'button' video though. hmm.


  1. Sucks about the not getting ads anymore. I am looking forward to seeing your new website and your new video. I've really enjoy watching the geek'in out vids. :)

  2. I miss clicking on your ads. Where else will I find an ad for "Butt lift jeans"?

  3. thanks guys. ;-D honestly i think it's for the better in the end. i don't like ads. people who enjoy what i do will hopefully support me when i release something that i deem worthy of charging money for. that said, i hope to be making and recording music again soon, so that's not too far off.

    i'm glad you like the geekin' out videos, chris. i have fun making them, but they are very time consuming to produce from beginning to end, so i try not to do too many at once. plus, blizzcon is in a few weeks, so i'll be doing one on world of warcraft by the end of the month.
