Friday, October 29, 2010

Good Morning, Tucson!

yes, this blog is late, and yes it is retroactively dated for the sake of convenience and due to the fact that it is indeed a blog entry for the 29th. if i had gotten back to my house earlier than 6am, i would have certainly posted it last night. so there ya go. my drive up to newark was not too bad, but was considerably complicated due to the fact that ticketmaster is a cruel mistress. it's as if it weren't bad enough that they charged me over $15 in fees, but they had to make me stop at some random department store i had never heard of in new jersey to print my tickets because apparently the ticketmaster outlets down here couldn't do it.

i got to newark penn station exactly 2 minutes late for my train, which sucked pretty hard. so once i caught the next train into the city, i got to experience my first time in new york running down 7th avenue at 7pm, late for the show i had just traveled for 5 hours to get to. it was overwhelming and i thought i had gotten off a 20 minute train ride and landed back in hong kong. pretty nuts. it's just like it, only a lot bigger, a bit less cluttered, with metal scaffolding instead of bamboo. oh yeah, and considerably less asians but just as many middle easterners.

once i got to the best buy theater, searched by the security guy right after a dude dressed up as harry potter [so i knew i was in the right place], i headed in and fortunately had only missed the opening monologue by joco [as wil wheaton] and the first paul and storm song. fortunately i've seen both of them already, so i didn't miss a whole lot. plus i can probably look that part up on youtube. everything about the show was awesome, especially the talk from grant imahara on being c-3po, marian call's amazing performance, hearing a new joco song before anyone else, and seeing a dude dressed as jareth from the labyrinth. awesome.

after the show, i caught up with mike lombardo, geeky piano musician extraordinaire, and his friend kaitlyn [or caitlyn?] whom i probably should recognize from youtube but i actually don't. she was nice anyway. ;-P we hung out after the show and chatted about music and celebrity and non-celebrity celebrity [internet 'stardom'], which was cool. then i headed back to the train and drove home way too late. that was pretty much my day. it was fun, stressful at times, expensive as hell, but very much enjoyable. sucked that christin couldn't come. next time!

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