it's 10:42 e.s.t. and i am dead tired. went to six flags america today, had a good time. we got season passes for the price of regular admission, so we'll likely be going frequently. spent a lot of time at the water park, which was cool. christin got a sunburn! we went out to dinner afterward, which was also quite enjoyable. something's wrong with my digestive system right now, so i am definitely not feeling well at all. i think it's time for bed. new video tomorrow. goodnight.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
To The Black
since my car is in the shop and our church is far away, we decided to forgo the driving and stick in town for this sunday. we had delicious potbelly's sandwiches for lunch and got christin a bathing suit for tomorrow [we're going to six flags] at target. then we saw prince of persia, which was quite enjoyable. story was a bit convoluted, mythos was kind of hard to follow, but all in all it was a nice action flick and mr. gyllenhaal did quite well. heard he did all his own stunts too, which was pretty impressive because there were a lot of them
pizza boli's for dinner, it was amazingly delicious. that just might be our new jam as far as pizza goes until we can find a really good, solid new york style pizzeria around here. i've got low hopes for that, but we'll see. took some time out to edit and upload christin's second montage the fat away video which can be seen here in all its radiance and majesty. watched another episode of firefly tonight and now it's time for bed. hope i don't get a sunburn tomorrow!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
the video i mentioned yesterday can be found here, but if you haven't watched this, this or this, it won't make a whole lot of sense. today i didn't even have to use my a.k., i've got to say it was a good day. christin went to the gym this morning and i slept in, which was needed given the fact that i'd stayed up until 4am. watched some community, went over to dan&sarah's [brother/sister-in-law] and had a good lunch with christin's parents for a belated mom's birthday, i think. then we watched firefly.
so good. space cowboys ftw.
i made a late night 'run for the border' to get lots of bad-for-us deliciousness from taco bell and also picked up some ice cream from wawa. it was a nice drive. plugged in the phone, hit random on all songs and skipped the stuff i wasn't in the mood for. started off with 'transistor' which immediately put me back in my old room with joel and my brother, listening to the radio, stoked that a new 311 album was coming out soon. then in the desert, 2 months later, shooting pool at my grandparents' house and blasting the album. that was a great week.
memories, nostalgia — especially when related to music — play a big part in my life. it's cool that i can just jam out to whatever song comes on and be back there in my head, just re-living the experience over again as the measures beat away. i love it. and then the stomps of ridiculously loud housemates bring me back to reality. it's a bit late to be starting a party... must be the after party. guess i gotta go upstairs and be that guy that says 'hey guys, it's 3am and some of us have to go to church in the morning.'
Friday, May 28, 2010
One Hundred
it's my 100th day of blogging every day! that's almost a third of a year, and it seems like quite the milestone to me. i spent the vast majority of today planning, setting up, filming and [mostly] editing the new video which i can't link right now because i'm still editing. right now, i'm rendering what i've got at this point which i think is done, but i could be wrong. since i edit with proxies, it's difficult to tell what looks good in the final product without exporting a high-def file to check out. oh look, it's done.
and there are still some mistakes. blah.
guess this is going to be a ridiculously late night tonight, as it's already ridiculously late now and i'm determined to finish it before i go to sleep. not much left to fix, just a few blank spot mistakes and a terribly bad mask job on one shot. it's the one i took the least amount of time on, so that's really no surprise. i'm getting better at masking, with all this practice that's no surprise. if you don't know what masking is, you're probably lost here. check this out if you'd care to see how it's done.
yep. very time consuming if you've got three layers of video masked together and all three of them have different lighting because natural lighting and white balance make me crazy. but i digress. tomorrow we're going to my brother-in-law's house for... something. we're eating, that is all i know and that's all that matters. family + food = fun, generally speaking. i think we're going to six flags on monday. blog ya later, sphere-o-sphere!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Play Big Two
it's raining out, thunderstorms and all. today i made a video on a whim. i hate those commercials. i mean how stupid do they think we are? today was a long day. i got home after dropping christin off at work and tried to go to sleep, but was thwarted by the evil repair shop gentleman. he called to let me know what ridiculous amount of money i'd be spending just because i randomly hit a piece of something left in the road that was apparently small and black because i didn't even see it. woot.
all of my schoolwork got done on time, which is good. i've got an 'assignment' which is really just the first 4 pages of my final paper due on monday. weird. i'd rather just write it all at once, but it's a reflective essay on what i've learned throughout the course. i can't really write that now, as i've not yet finished the course. of course, it doesn't give me much time to reflect on week 2, given that i'm meant to write it during week 2, now does it? kind of ridiculous. tomorrow i'll be filming a great and powerful video!
the other day i spoke to an insurance broker on the phone about our options in the area of health insurance. surprisingly, we do actually have options, which is just great. not the best options, but options none the less. obviously getting a full-time job with benefits would be the best route in that area, but the least likely and most energy-draining. it's good that i've got time to devote to school, because i'm learning a lot. it may not seem like it, but i am. still looking for work. *sigh* if only youtube paid the bills.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Oh Yes, The Burn Was Felt
i woke up this morning and, mind you, did not feel one modicum of similarity to p.diddy! i got up way too early after going to sleep way too late just to take my car in to the shop. and they never even called me to tell me what their findings were from looking at it. i hope they didn't just assume that i wanted the work done and started working on it slash ordered parts without asking me if i wanted them to. because i definitely only signed a piece of paper that said i needed an estimate.
'cause i may have to throw down.
those single sentences are usually for emphasis, but in this case it's a way of making my blog entry seem longer than it actually is. so are explanatory meta-sentences like this one and the one before it. isn't the internet fun? you're learning while you learn, just like people on 'pimp my ride' can floss while they drive. et cetera. went to the gym tonight, felt aforementioned burn, watched about an hour's worth of a bad renée zellweger movie. came home, reheated tuesday night's meal [it was delicious] and enjoyed my evening with the wife.
tomorrow = school. i got my grade from the previous class, and i've still got a 4.0 gpa, which is really great for me. super excited. also going to possibly work on filming a bit, or at least scripting a bit of friday's video, as it is quite epic in scope. as way would say, it's very 'meta'. i can't say much more without giving it away. let's just say that it stars some familiar characters and will introduce at least one new one. good times. goodnight!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
hey guys. it's me. i'm not feeling this blog thing today, so i'll do what i usually do and give a lazy sentence fragment-laden single paragraph update about what happened on may 25th, 2010. got up at a decent hour and recorded 014. messed about a bit and did another video for my new channel. edited lots of video. went to ken&debbie's house, friends from church, ate mexican food that was so good it was crizazy. tomorrow i get up early early and drop off the car to hopefully get it fixed, catch up on chinese lessons and try to take over the world. happy towel day.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Female Sheldon
did a big fat nothing today. meh. didn't feel good this morning, and christin didn't either, she came home from work early and we pretty much laid around all day. watched some community, went to get my car looked at [i hit something, explanation in tomorrow's video] and dropped off my third to last unemployment check. it's getting down to the wire now. the season finale of big bang was really good, i liked it a lot. blossom as the female sheldon... interesting. she's been busy on t.v. lately!
not much to say for myself. tonight since christin's gone to bed i've basically just caught up on my youtube subscriptions. at least i've got the box down to one page now, instead of three! i've got a lot of stuff i just wasn't in the mood to watch tonight. oh well. tomorrow's another day! but tomorrow i am filming 014 and possibly something for my other channel... which may change because i'm not sure how much i like what i was doing before and my buddy zach thinks i should be making videos on apologetics and polemics. perhaps! we'll see.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Live Together, Die Together?
alternate title: why i both loved and hated the series finale of lost. the short story: take season six and remove all of the 'alternate reality' or flash-sideways scenes, including the finale, and you've got a great ending to a great show. what aired tonight, however, was quite possibly the greatest cop-out in television history. i would have almost preferred 'it was all a dream' to 'everyone dies but it's okay because unitarian universalist heaven is totally bangin' and everybody gets to chill out with each other in the bright white light forever.'
i'm totally fine with everyone dying. if christian shepherd's body was still in the coffin and the end of the 'alternate reality' held that the church transported them to the island and everyone lived out their lives there in actual reality, that would've been fine too. but this... this is just pure laziness. i get that it's supposed to be somewhat open-ended. i get that it actually kind of makes sense if you ignore every theological and common sense notion of life, death and heaven.
but dude. really?
where's the sci-fi ending? what happened to the island? a few seasons ago, it became abundantly clear [thanks in part to the systematic killing off of almost every main character] that this show was about the island. not the characters. but season 6 comes in and now it's about the characters again? i stopped caring about jack, kate and a lot of the other characters who became predictable and annoying like two seasons ago. trying to make me care about them and ignore the fact that there were so many unanswered questions about the actual star of the show [the island] is just insulting to people who invested time in the show.
edit: if i may add to this, i still love the show. i respect the fact that the producers stuck to their timeline and wanted to end the show how they did. it's fine, in the end. it's not how i would've ended it, and it left too much unanswered, and a lot of the explanations that it offered left a lot of the things that happened over the past 6 seasons totally pointless. in the end, it was still a good show. a good show with a highly disappointing conclusion.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
I'm Shiny, Captain. A-OK!
today was interesting. after a pretty crappy morning and early afternoon, christin and i eventually ended up going to see macgruber, which was exactly what i expected it to be. came home, watched some community and hung out. made out like teenagers — it was sweet. then we sat down to watch the first episode of the highly hyped and confusingly short-lived 'firefly'. how did i like it? the short answer is: we're gonna need a better word for epic.
characters are great, storyline is engaging, world is confusing but cool, villains are terrifying, plot and conflict are wonderful. can't say enough good things... and i'm only on episode two! of course, given that there are only fourteen and a movie, each one is as precious as the unlikely contraband cargo the characters are hauling, so it makes sense. going to try to pace ourselves. we've still got community and bleach to catch up on, so it's all good. tomorrow is church, followed by the series finale event for lost. i'm cautiously optimistic!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Oh My
most of today was occupied with conceptualizing, filming and editing the long-awaited 2nd episode of geekin' out! which can be viewed here. i hope the reception is as good as the former one, as the views and subsequent subscriber [loliteration] increase from promoting that video was quite good. i think it's good, and i've gotten positive responses so far. we'll see how it pans out. not really much to say beside that, so i'm just going to call it a night. or a morning. i'll call it what i want, leave me alone. sheesh.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Linguistic Nightmare
the dog, she is chopped. no more womanhood for monster trucky. it's sad, but good. saw robin hood today, and i have the same opinion of it as i did of get smart: change the name and i can call it a good movie. seriously. the problem with get smart is that steve carell is not maxwell smart. and the problem with the robin hood movie is that it's practically a complete departure from most aspects of the robin hood legend/story. very loosely based. but both were enjoyable films aside from that whole false advertisement bit.
i spent some time in waldorf today out of necessity, which was interesting. by interesting, of course, i mean not interesting at all, because it wasn't a particularly eye-popping town. i consumed at least two days' worth of sodium and at least a day's worth of saturated fat. nachos + popcorn + sprite. my stomach hated me afterward. as soon as i noticed that the nacho chips said 'tostitos' on them, i should've realized it was a bad idea. they might as well just change their name to 'way the hell too much salt... itos...'
also, i did my homework. did you know that the reason the comma is [allegedly] supposed to be placed inside of the quotation marks is because in the old days when the printing press was new and fancy, the typesetters didn't want to lose the little comma and period punctuation keys? the more you know. cue the rainbow. i said cue the nevermind. it's time for sleep. i got like three hours last night, and that's mostly owed to the double-shot of bourbon i reluctantly acquiesced to consume at about 3 in the morning. not tonight! tonight, we dine in leather stretch pants!!!
no idea.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Karate What?
today was interesting! i slept a lot and did a lot of video making for my wife's two channels. i fixed the jeep, a.k.a. put a new battery in it, and it runs now. woot! tomorrow i've got to take monster down to the clinic to get her 'cut'. she's getting spayed, so no monster babies for us. kind of sad but it's a good thing. she'll be less humpy. yeah, i said it. but anyway, i have to drop her off down near waldorf which is like an hour drive and i have to be there around 8am. so i should probably go to bed like an hour ago. yep.
i have to spend all day down there waiting for them to be finished, given that i'm not picking her up until 4pm and i don't feel like coming back home then back down there again then back home... again. that would be annoying. so i'll probably bring my camera and shoot some video [even though i can't use it for friday's video] and do my schoolwork reading and maybe see a movie. i don't even know what's out, and even if i did i don't know what i'm allowed to see. christin bars me from seeing most movies without her. ;-P sleepytime!
p.s. this is the first blog i've ever done that didn't need to be immediately edited because of my insanity... and now i'm editing it to tell you that. wow.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
From Justin To Kelly
today's video was brought to you by the product of a concept i came up with last week but was not quite sure how to implement. after taking christin to work, i decided to film instead of go back to sleep. and the result... a new series of videos. i know, i know, i'm in how many series' now? i will for sheezy for realzies post geekin' out! episode 2 on friday, don't get your knickers in knots. christin filmed a vlog today too, i'll edit that and get it up tomorrow. word.
i also started a new channel. there's not much on it right now, i'm using it for video responses and the like that i don't want to clutter up my main channel. i also contributed to a collaborative channel called the nighttime dialogues, which can be viewed here. the concept behind the channel is trying to capture the honesty and openness felt in that moment when you're lying in bed, not quite awake and not quite asleep. let me know what you think. yep, it was youtube day! tomorrow is get crap done day. jeep battery, prepare to be replaced!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Re: Biting The Dust
another final paper complete, another class down. i almost feel like online school is cheating. it's not to say that i'm not learning, but the temptation to half-ass your way through classes is pretty big. it's just so easy to do. i don't think i read even 50% of the textbook for this last class, and i know for a fact that it is mathematically impossible for me to fail the class at this point, given that i have like 67% in the actual classwork and the final is worth 30% of my total grade. i would need to get a zero on my paper, which is also impossible by virtue of the fact that i wrote one at all, to fail.
i seriously contemplated the idea of literally bullshitting my way to the completion of an online b.a. and writing a book about how the system needs to change because it is literally that bad. it's not that learning can't happen, it's that non-learning can happen. you could pretty much get through an entire b.a. program online and learn as little as possible about the subject matter if you know how to speed-read textbooks [which i learned in community college and could teach someone in a matter of 10 minutes] and b.s. a decent research paper.
research paper, a.k.a. legalized plagiarism.
don't get me wrong, legitimate research papers accomplish much, but the kind of drek they will accept as passable [not to mention exemplary] is staggering. i wrote my 9-page research paper on use of modern educational linguistic research and theory in a selected lesson plan in literally less than 3 hours. that is, if you count only the time i was actually writing stuff and not messing around on facebook or zoning out. the entire process took me one day. i hadn't even thought of what i was going to write about until last night... and by last i mean this, and by night i mean 2:00 in the morning.
so what does this mean? does it mean that the system is too easily exploitable or does it mean that i'm just really good at half-assing schoolwork? i refuse to believe that it's all me, because it's not like puffing up a research paper with excessive repetition and thesaurus-style superfluity is rocket science. having a large vocabulary helps, but it can only get you so far. it's enablement [which chrome doesn't think is a word, which boggles the mind] on the part of the institution. i'm learning a lot from these classes, but i can only guess how much less motivated students are.
p.s. thanks to everyone who expressed their concern for the well-being of my teeth... on just about every social media site except on this actual blog. ;-P christin found us an h.m.o. through blue shield that is affordable and will get my work done relatively inexpensively. we'll be doing that next month. in other news, please pray that i can fix christin's car easily tomorrow. thanks, it's much appreciated.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
i wanted to start this blog by informing everyone that the pain in my tooth is unbearable, but my mother always taught me that it was wrong to lie. it's bearable, but it's incredibly uncomfortable. i don't talk about it a lot, because i try my best not to complain about things over which i have no or close to no control. i also try to use sentences that are comprehensible and grammatically aesthetic as well, but sometimes i fail on both fronts.
my tooth hurts. a lot.
complaining about it isn't wrong per se, it's just pointless. i don't want sympathy. i don't want those comments that say 'oh man, i know what you mean! tooth pain is the worst!' and i don't want the sheldon cooper 'there there' pat on the back or anything like that. it's just not productive. in the end, sympathy may feel nice from time to time, but it doesn't fix holes in teeth. the bitterness i am feeling toward my former dentist [who was an awful hack and deserves to have her license taken away from her] is also futile. it doesn't remove the pain.
but i can't stop thinking about it. and that's why i am typing about this right now, as opposed to how awesome my day was today. i'm not talking about how church was amazing, despite the fact that my wife stayed home in immense pain, or how i spent the majority of the day at home just watching bleach and community with christin and it was just great. technically i did just type all those things, but it's not what i'm thinking about. what i'm thinking about is the fact that getting up to the point where i'm popping ibuprofen more than once a day is a bad thing.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Cooking Up Beats
i could not sleep at all last night. katie's house is like a dungeon! that's not the bad part, actually it was kind of cool. the dog we were dogsitting kept me up for the first half, light creeping in the room and trying to sleep in a strange place on a strange bed [and later couch] did the rest. thought a lot. did a lot of trying to sleep. left around noon, got christin some jumper cables because her battery was hating on her for some reason. it's okay now, which is good.
tonight i re-worked my resume and started sending it out to some places. i'm starting to realize the real importance of finding work soon, not for money reasons so much as for health insurance ones. it's really sad that our only option is for me to find a job with benefits. it's a lot of pressure. i don't mind the pressure, but if i can't find something [my admittedly small attempt so far has been very unsuccessful] it's going to suck. really bad.
money-wise, we could get away with me working a part-time job or no job at all, but christin's health won't allow it. she needs to see a doctor about what's going on with her body right now. we can't go see the doctor she needs to see because we don't have insurance. why am i writing all of this? just read her most recent blog. anyway, yeah. pray for us, please. it's time for sleep so i can go and worship the Lord with the body of Christ gathered through word and sacrament. amen.
Friday, May 14, 2010
no working internet here, so this is a temporary placeholder because typing on my phone is ridiculously annoying. so expect a real post tomorrow morning. thank you for your cooperation and understanding! additionally, feel free to check out my newest video on my youtube channel. thanks.
edit: i lied. sue me! this counts, dangit.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
On Clarification
'blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him. in love He predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will, to the praise of His glorious grace, with which He has blessed us in the beloved.
in Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace, which He lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of His will, according to His purpose, which He set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in Him, things in heaven and things on earth.
in him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will, so that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of His glory.
in Him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in Him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of His glory. — ephesians 1:3-14
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Break Your Face
today was fairly uneventful, but tonight was quite nice. we went to our gym and i watched the first half of independence day, which is a great movie. i kind of laugh at how fast technology's progressed since that movie was made. just thinking about non-flatscreen monitors is humorous to me at this point, which is funny to me. cardio cinema rules. after the gym, chrsitin's b.f.f. katie took us out and bought us exercise shoes [mine are so ghetto old man] and dinner. pan-asian cuisine ftw. the food was good, the service not so much.
eating the 雞絲炒麵 reminded me of hong kong. it's not the exact dish i wanted, but it was close enough to put me back there all over again. i need to find a good place that cooks shanghai-style food that's somewhat authentic. i've got a hankering for thick flour noodles that i doubt is going to be fulfilled before i find myself back in asia. oh wells. tomorrow i've got schoolwork to do and more mandarin to study. goodnight.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
All I Have
made a video today, hung out with my wife, watched lost. that was interesting. i'm not sure i like what the whole thing is about anymore. don't get me wrong, it's nice that they sort of tied up a lot of loose ends, i just don't think it's a very compelling storyline. if they came out in the beginning and said this was what the show was going to be about, no one would have watched it. i find it terribly contrived and uninteresting. but i've got a lot of time invested into the show, and there are only two episodes left, so it's alright i guess.
tomorrow i've got a paper to edit for nic, last one for the semester. i'm wondering if people would actually pay me to edit their papers. i'm pretty good at it, and i can do it quickly. i should try and advertise myself through craigslist or something, that may be a decent way to make some money in my spare time. i finished unit 1 of mandarin today, i've got to at least do unit 2 tomorrow so i can keep up with the commitment i agreed with myself on in my brain. that will be good. time for bed! goodnight, peoples.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Even If You Don't Wanna Hear It
noise is cool. as the title says, even if you don't want to hear it, it's cool. the whole process that goes into making music like my friend justin makes [sensible nectar] is so interesting to watch for me. i don't know if it's universal, in fact i'm sure it isn't. most people would just plug their ears when they hear it or walk away and laugh at the kid with the care bears amplifier on his knees in front of two massive pedal boards. i think it sounds rad. i have to be in the right mood to listen to it, but i don't even have to like what i hear to 'get' it.
it's interesting how the more 'musical' bands in the lineup didn't interest me nearly as much as the noise set and the strange band [r&r] that played before justin. they had songs that were written, made, rehearsed and performed by people but they didn't connect with me as an observer on more than surface curiosity. yeah. noise is cool. i'm interested to mess around with visualizations to the soundscapes i've got sitting on my computer. some day i'll make some videos to scare away all of my subscribers. but for now, i've got to get to sleep so i can make another video tomorrow.
pray for me. i'm giving mandarin chinese another chance at the recommendation of one of my chinese friends. hopefully it will help my reading and make cantonese easier to learn once that becomes something i can study in-depth without being wholly self-reliant. also, pray that i would find a good job opportunity or at least a way to make money somewhat consistently in the next month. my benefits are running out and i'll need something soon. thank you, and thanks as always for reading.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
great and merciful God, i thank You for all that You've given to me and my wife, most importantly of all Your Son who gave His life that we may live. i ask this night that You keep my wife and i wholly focused on the growth of Your kingdom and that which will benefit us toward that goal. let us not be hindered by that which we may seem to think is so important in our lives, and let all the things we occupy our time with be a help to us for Your name's sake. thank you for a beautiful day and a wonderful church that is so gospel-minded.
thank You for our animals, our health, our home and the promise of a future in this life that, though not void of troubles and adversity, provides overwhelming and sustaining joy and love. thank You for keeping us despite our shortcomings and loving us enough to be so patient when we sin against our brothers, our sisters and [most importantly] You. thank You for Your tremendous mercy and Your unwavering devotion to the glory of Your name. may we spread Your fame worldwide. come quickly, Lord Jesus. amen.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
For Realcap
today was an action-packed day! we worked out in our new gym, which was totally awesome. as you can see in the picture below, we spent our wonderful workout in the 'cardio cinema' which is exactly what it looks/sounds like. we watched the end of one of the riddick movies [which was not as bad as i expected] and the beginning of some cop movie with ed norton. it was a different experience for sure, but a welcome one. ;-D

listening to norma jean on the way to and from the eastern shore today got me missing the old days with my friends in california. i can't remember how many times we blasted that album in matt's saturn, driving back and forth from temecula to san marcos or making late night breakfast jack runs. can't have those days again, but at least i have the memories. speaking of memories, i looked up the first and second places we lived in hong kong on google maps on my phone. crazy. i miss it there so much.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Creativity Is Overrated
i said i'd write more tonight, but i lied. i won't. today i spent way too long thinking about a video to make and ended up making one that was actually less than a minute long. it actually took me longer to do this video, lighting and filming-wise, than some of my longer ones. interesting. editing was a breeze, though. tomorrow we go and actually work out at our new gym, which is exciting, then we go to see iron man 2, then we go to the eastern shore. woot! but for now, i go to bed. another one paragraph entry! i am really failing at this.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Way Too Late
new gym membership. gold's gym in crofton. crazy! freaking movie theatre cardio room. sentence fragment night. parents visited, was cool. had tacos. quite delicious! video tomorrow, excited. tired now, too much laughter. homework complete, grades good. laundry clean, house clean. okay, this is annoying now and i can't keep it up anymore. and with that, it's time for me to go to sleep. it's been an impossibly long day and tomorrow will be just as long. christin works 14 hours tomorrow, so you should probably pray for her. i'll blog longer tomorrow, promise. goodnight.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Just Shameless
of all the things in the world that i could do for a living, i think i might hate advertising most of all. there is nothing about the process that i don't hate, aside from perhaps the creation of new and interesting visuals for flyers or ads. but even that nice bit is instantly vaporized by the kill-set phaser of intents and purposes.
the bottom line? deception is key. this is where i draw a distinction between advertising and promotion. promotion merely encourages one to try something they have not tried or check out something they have not checked out. no deception involved. i don't know whether or not the actual words have different definitions, but they certainly do for me.
edit: apparently i wrote this on my phone last night and fell asleep before i could post it. lol! silly me. ;-D
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
geekin' out! episode one is here. it took me just about all day, because it required significantly more post-production than anything else i've ever done before. if i had pre-recorded the intro, it would most likely have been out at least a couple hours earlier, but alas. i do what i can. i learned a lot in making this, namely that adobe soundbooth is pretty nifty for quick and easy audio editing. very intuitive interface, easy simple plugins, nothing too complicated. i'll start pushing it and see how it handles with more complex material later. but for now... watch me dance!
i have this freakin' song in my head. it's from a musical, i don't remember which one... but christin put it on this video she made for her employer for mother's day. man, it makes me crazy in the head! i love my wife. i don't say that here enough. she cooked me dinner tonight and it was great. i am starting to eat healthier as a means of encouraging christin to do so as well, because she needs the support and what else am i for if i'm not being supportive? i ain't no shiftless layabout, yo! well, not all the time.
yep. counting calories.
found out today that soy nuts aren't half bad when they're roasted and salted. if you mix them with sunflower seeds [also roasted/salted] and natural peanut butter, it's quite magnificent. i may have to try making some bars out of that + honey sometime and baking them all together into a sticky, nutty delicious meal replacement bar. that may be better than john cusack in the sidecar of chris farley's spectral harley-davidson. hyperbole of the day? check. i read philippians tonight while my video was rendering. love it. goodnight, sweet prince. may the fourth be with you.
Monday, May 3, 2010
What In The World?
can't sleep. demon baby will eat me. seriously though, that's just about the most terrifying thing i've seen in video form in a while now. yikes. today i did all of my chores and watched a lot of videos by a lot of different people. ever since i've caught up with my subscriptions, it's gotten a bit slow. i think that may be because i'm catching them as they go up, so it just feels that way, but i'm actually seeing the same number of videos i would've seen before. weird.
tomorrow i film geekin' out. i may do all 4 videos tomorrow, but for sure i will finish and upload the first in the series. not sure when i'll upload the rest, but we'll see how it goes. i've got a great idea for a video that i may do this week while the idea's in my head and the meme is hot. we'll see how it goes. for now, i'm going to sleep because i'm waking up early tomorrow. lots to do! enjoy your evening and/or day.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Never Read The Manual
got a lot of tips on vlogging, as well as some honest criticism, from my buddy way. it was good to chat. today we skipped church, but don't tell our elders. yikes! we were mad tired, i didn't sleep well last night. i haven't been sleeping well much any day this week. this chair is hurting my back right now. i haven't played world of warcraft in like 3 days. that's probably a good thing. i'm doing a lot of videos this week. i'm excited about that. it's bedtime now. goodnight!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
You Can't Handle The Flava
it seems like every time i say we're going to babysit in a video or blog, we don't end up doing it. i guess this means i should always mention it. zing! we hung out at the homestead and headed out to a fabulous date. dragon house for linner, rita's water ice for dessert, lush for shampoo and talking to our new friend tiffany [i think that was her name] followed by a rousing adventure in a hot tub time machine. it was just about the most ridiculous movie i've seen in recent memory, but none the less quite humorous.
then we came home and watched the big bang theory and we had taco bell for what would've been fourthmeal if either of us had even had the third. and now it's time for bed. sorry for the boring post but you should expect it by now. church tomorrow! woot!
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