Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Gruuu... ...

o hai. i made you a video, but i ated it. if you know what the title of this blog means, you're pro. like super pro. and i like you, a lot. today was a pretty good day, but it's starting to get hot. i enjoy heat in terms of weather, but it doesn't lend itself very well to vlogging and driving at the same time, as you end up with audio issues. if i were less lazy, i'd actually edit my audio separately and make it all sound a ton better, but the way i edit my stuff makes that slightly difficult.

and now all of our bill payments are scheduled for this month. ahh, responsibility. between what we have in our bank account and what is going out this month, there is a $0.42 difference. awesome! but i'm expecting two unemployment checks before the end of this month as well, so that will be our money to spend this month. and this month's budget includes a few hundred dollars for a bed, which we may be getting as soon as tomorrow night. why am i excited about budgets? i'm getting old.

tomorrow i've got a lot to do. i love this weather at night. i'm almost caught up with my youtube subscriptions, thanks to my wife instituting a ban on playing world of warcraft tonight. looking at the night's progress, i'd say that was a good decision. and look, i'm still up way too late at night, so clearly i'm not just staying up to play. i just have a sleeping disorder! hooray? i don't mind it. but for my wife's sake, i'm going to start slowly moving my bedtime closer to something the average person would deem reasonable. we'll see how that works out.

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