Saturday, April 3, 2010

Helping Yourselves

the title of this blog is inspired by the fact that i haven't yet titled any blogs with any words that start with the letter 'h' and that bothers me. i'll be doing the other letters this week as well. how to train your dragon is probably the best dreamworks movie i've ever seen [which isn't that big of a compliment, because kung-fu panda was 'okay' and i hate the shrek series] and in general the best animated film i've seen since the emperor's new groove. that's saying a lot for me, because i like a lot of animated flicks. ;-P

today we had a date. we saw that movie that i mentioned, then we went to friday's for dinner and had a lot of food for not so much money. then we went home and i helped christin [read: checked twitter and played collapse free on my phone and did a couple things for her] make lemon thyme bars, which hopefully will be good. tomorrow is easter, woo-freakin'-hoo. i should be more excited. we are going to our church for the 8:00 service, if christin isn't too tired [which she will be] and our brother's pentecostal church mainly to see our niece act in a play.

then it's dinner at the parents'. turkey! rice! woo!

i'm excited that i'm on a schedule now for my videos. it's going to be a challenge to stick to it and do them on time, but we'll see how it goes. when i put myself on a deadline, i either fail miserably or keep it religiously. but hey, i've done well on this blog for the past 45 days now, so i'm fairly confident that i can make it happen. i didn't aim particularly high or anything. it's time to sleep, so if i need to get up at 7:something i can. even though i probably won't need to. and i'm not even remotely tired. i will force myself to sleep!

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