Friday, April 16, 2010

Hold On, I'm Thinking

after two lengthy discussions, it seems the Lord is confirming what's within the collective heart of my small but dear family. i thought, for a moment, that there may have been a paradigm shift in the works after the first of two, but it seems that my wife has been thinking about the same things as me and it's really encouraging. i am being purposefully vague, but all will be revealed in time. the short explanation is that things [as far as i know them now] are going as planned, and i'm going to take the hardest advice to hear:

keep doing what you're doing.

it should be encouraging advice, but we humans long for something new and interesting to come to revitalize our humdrum days and give further and greater meaning to our lives. we do this because either we do not have or do not understand the grace of God that has been given us in Christ Jesus and the fullness and completeness we have in Him. we totally underestimate how content we can be as individuals, families, friends and churches in the Lord. we strive for more, but the gospel is sufficient.

today i made 010 and hung out with my wife while she babysat the babies she nannies for. she ate sushi for dinner, i ate a bomb chicken parmesan sub from selby's sub shoppe, and we both enjoyed watching the big bang theory. it's time to download season 2, we're almost done with the first season now! crazy. on a related note, my hard drive is getting full. tomorrow i've got to mow the lawn and we may do some raiding in wow, which will be exciting. for now, it's another early bedtime. leave some comments, eh? yes. yes, do.


  1. What has the Lord confirmed?!! Inquiring minds want to know. I want to know!
