if it were a few years ago, i'd have been super excited because today is 3-11 day. now i'm just all like 'whaaaaaat?' and it's not a big deal to me. guess i'm not as much of a superfan as i had thought. so at least one of the o.p.c. missionary families in japan are okay, which is good news, but things are still crazy weird there. work was good tonight, we did okay for a friday night. new video is getting a lot of comments, but still lacking in views overall. i don't know what to do differently at this point, it's getting really frustrating. maybe i'm just doin' it wong.
christin is looking at pictures of hong kong and i'm realizing how often we ate western style food at home. weird. we were new to the place and didn't get as much exposure to asian cuisine as anyone living in southeast asia should, so i blame that. toward the end, when we lived in sai kung, we were a bit more adventurous but still got pizza hut and yoshinoya a bit too much for my own liking. just for the sake of convenience, really. heh. i can't wait to get back there, we really need to plan a trip. gahhh! hong kong!
i am missing it so much it hurts. :( :( :(