Saturday, March 26, 2011


oh cancun cantina, thou art a strange and wondrous place. tonight, after a fairly grueling shift at the good 'ole chocolate shop, i headed home to nap before jaunting off to odenton. i met christin and her friends [and other people] at this country-western line dance shindig/club for katie's bachelorette party slash get-together. yeah, i know. i'm a guy, and i'm going to a bachelorette party. seems weird and all, but you know — the things i do for my wife! ;-P it wasn't too bad, we enjoyed ourselves quite nicely. there was a pretty good country band that played live music onstage and their fiddle player was awesome. shook his hand after their 3rd set.

so yeah, we got to hang out there and had a good night. i ate an entire 20-piece mcnugget for dinner, which was both the best and worst idea i had all day. i definitely got the mcgurgles after that, but it was mighty delicious. also, the ability to eat mcnuggets [with sauce] while driving a manual on the freeway is an acquired skill. on the way home, christin and i chatted and spent some quality time together, and we went to bed immediately upon arrival back at the homestead. hence why this is being posted the next day. so it's not a failure, so much as it's a catching-up type situation. yeah!

rtotd #0009 - if you can't guess from the post, you suck.

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