Monday, March 28, 2011

Pharmacology Unit

today i got a lot accomplished. i woke up and trimmed my beard [something i really need to start doing more often] before heading off to work, which was quite dull. that sentence is lexically ambiguous, but both activities were fairly dull anyway, though my razor was not. i left work a bit early and headed to the post office to see if christin's inhalers had arrived in our p.o. box yet. they had not. sad panda. i got home and had a bit of a rest before working on reading a bit for the paper that was due tonight.

christin got home shortly after i did, and it turned out that she had visited the p.o. box as well, which was funny to me. we hung out a bit and i made dinner after helping her out with her mla formatting nightmare and proofreading a short paper she wrote. it's interesting how similar the mla style is to apa, though the tiny differences can be incredibly frustrating. i don't understand these freaking footnoteless manuals and their insistence on in-text citation. it just makes things bloody impossible to read coherently. if i want to know your source, i'll check the endnotes, thank you very much. then, let's see, what did i do?

oh yeah, i made this incredibly important video.

if you've seen it, you likely understand the magnitude of what i've basically decided. it's kind of a big step for me. i'm not really changing my career choice so much as i am modifying it. i still plan on teaching, i still plan on moving to hong kong, i'm just going to teach in a different way and may not have to teach in a class once we get to hk. that'd be nice, not to have a day job, and to just make awesome videos all the time. anyway, after uploading that and having a mild freak-out about it immediately afterward, i finished my paper. and now it's time for bed. goodnight!

rtotd #0011 - super-special foot rub.

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