Friday, September 17, 2010


oh my, where to start? well, i woke up at 9am after about 5 hours of sleep and did my routine on the interwebs. christin called me at 10 to bring her inhaler over, so i did, and i got back to doing my thang and looking for an electric wok and a microwave to make cooking in the apartment easier. basically right now if we want to make anything that can't be made in a george foreman grill, we have to go upstairs. it's a hassle taking pots and pans and all the ingredients up and down on a regular basis, so it makes our desire to cook fall, which is the opposite of ideal.

so after a bit of that, i called the dental clinic to see if they could take me earlier. at about 12:00 i finally got through to them and they said they could take me at 12:45 — in glen burnie. now that doesn't mean anything to most people, but it's a good 30+ minute drive from my house, so i had to book it. on top of that, i had to get gas on the way, so i ended up being a few minutes late. being just a few minutes late is the worst, because you get pushed back for missing the appointment and you were just barely late.

basically, after doing a quick x-ray, the dentist told me exactly what i was expecting, i need a root canal. there's just one catch: the damage is so bad that i would likely need crown lengthening done, which is basically when they drill down into your bone, and it's a surgical procedure. so to save the tooth, i would basically have to pay like $800 minimum for the root canal and crown in itself, as well as an additional fee to an oral surgeon to have the crown lengthening done. all in all, it would basically be three dentist's visits and a ton of money.

in other words: bump that, yo.

now the conventional wisdom and practicality gifted to me through genetics on my father's side of the family tells me that the solution is simple: just pull the tooth. unfortunately, i already have a neighboring tooth missing, which complicates things in the whole 'being able to chew' arena. on the plus side, the other missing tooth is a really small gap [it was from a baby premolar that never grew out and got all nasty, first tooth i ever had pulled]. on the negative side, i would have to get it pulled by an oral surgeon, because there's no way i could handle a molar pull without some form of anasthesia/analgesia. i tried that once. it wasn't pretty.

so what should i do? i think i'm just going to pull it. the sheer cost difference alone is so great that even if i ended up getting an implant done [if i got it on the cheap] it would cost about as much as i would spend saving the tooth... and i wouldn't have to do that right away. at this point, i'm so used to chewing with just the right side of my mouth that i don't think it would be a problem. but now i don't know if i'm just talking myself into it because the price is right, or if it's the right thing to do. the dentist seemed to lean toward just pulling it, but i'm still not sure.

in other news, we downed the first four bosses of icc 10-man on heroic mode tonight, which was a huge accomplishment for our raid team. especially since we were wiping on heroic marrowgar for hours last week. it was just a bad week. this week was great, and we didn't even have our whole team! well, at least not our regular team. the warrior we had in our hunter's place was crazy good damage. christin got three pieces of loot, and her gear is looking nice. ;-D for dinner, i made bomb chicken fried rice. it was delicious. and now i'm tired.

note: wow, two really long posts in a row. interesting.

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