Sunday, September 26, 2010

Message Redacted

i've had this domain for a long time, but it's been the same crappy placeholder page forever with no relevant links. now it has a new crappy placeholder page with relevant links! so it's totally better. i may make a simple website up there to house my various stuff, not that i really need one, but if i'm going to continue down this road of marketability and self-promotion [the good kind], i suppose that organization is key. we'll see how that works out for me.

church was great. the substitute pastor [lol] talked about dominion, covenant and what sort of book genesis is. he had an interesting take on it, not that i was surprised about the content, but about how he described it. check out the sermonaudio page in the next few days if you're interested to hear it yourself. quite good. ;-D after that, we went to the in-laws' house for lunch, which was quite delicious and a good time. they made me eat way too much dessert. terrible!

went to a restaurant and then a bar, because the restaurant's screens weren't so great, to watch the football game. it was a sad, sad game. i was rage-tweeting through most of it. oh chargers, why must you fail me? it's still early in the season, but the special teams really needs to pick up their game. bad times. after that, i headed home to watch the amazing race with christin because a guy we watch on youtube [kevjumba] is doing it this year with his dad. he came in 7th place at the end of the round, so good on them. it was an entertaining episode.

tomorrow i've got to work all morning and get the rest of my homework done. then it's back to looking for a solid, part-time job to make a bit more money. this month has been hard, and this last week we are kind of barely scraping by. christin gets paid on thursday, but that will be gone quickly. i'll have a decent sized paycheck between this week and next, but we'll see where it all ends up. debt is still under control, but if i don't start making some more money soon, it's going to start catching up again, and that can't happen. goodnight.

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