Wednesday, September 1, 2010


i've got to get used to having to actually do my blog posts by midnight local time, since i'm so used to only having to do it by 3am east coast time. see, my google account is on west coast time because if i change it, i'll have to go back and manually change the date on almost all of my blog entries since the beginning of this whole daily blogging thing. and that would just be annoying. ;-P plus it gives me some margin of error for videos/blogs when i don't get them done until late.

today we relaxed and slept in, and it was indeed glorious. we ate delicious mexican food for lunch and matt made us scrambled french toast [which is exactly what it sounds like] for dinner at his house. it was a good time hanging out there. got to see him and nikki, of course, as well as cat, jared, erik and juli. lots of people. erik/juli were moving out today, so they were coming by to pick stuff up from the house. jared's moustache looks ridiculous... ly awesome. we had del taco on the way home because we were still hungry, and we talked about the future. birthday tomorrow!

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