Sunday, September 19, 2010

Judy Is British

wow, guys. can you believe i'm down to 14 videos in my subscription boxes? also, i unsubscribed to two channels today because i realized that their videos just aren't that good and actually kind of annoy me more often than entertain me! yep. i have a list of nine things i have to do tomorrow, and i got everything done today that i wanted to get done [besides make it to church. thanks a lot, my unconscious self, for turning the alarm off instead of hitting 'snooze'!] so let's talk about that.

i woke up way too late to get to church on time, so i went back to sleep. my wife, for some reason, let me sleep way too late for any human being. she insists she tried to wake me up, but her idea of trying to wake me up is talking to me. anyone who has known me as long as she has knows that i'm not the kind of person that can be reliably awoken by such means. she knows too, but she's sick so i'll give her a pass on that one. it's her that was annoyed with my sleeping late after all, not me. ;-P

so i went to safeway to pick up groceries for dinner tonight and that was good times. i logged into youtube and found out that dan brown had responded to the video i posted yesterday, which i'd kind of expected him to do, but strangely my video was getting a lot of traffic. like, a lot more than usual. i thought he tweeted my link or retweeted my tweet about my link, but nope. i guess enough people watch the 'recent activity' and noticed that dan liked/commented on my video and noticed it was a video response and that's all it took!

and now i'm 17 subscribers up. holy beans! that's awesome. now i feel obligated to make videos more often. i won't do it tomorrow, though, because i think i'll probably spend all day doing those nine things i mentioned earlier. plus waiting a bit longer may bring some more viewers and even some subscribers my way. that'd be nice! then i can thank everyone together! just kidding, i don't do that. i thank commenters, not subscribers. i'm almost done with the hunger games, which means i need to go buy catching fire soon. so good.

everyone send christin love and encouragement on facebook, twitter, and her newest blog post. she needs it. she's still sick and has to go back to work tomorrow to pay 'da billz for this poor student over here. it's okay. i'm finishing school so i can go to work in hong kong and she'll never have to work again if all goes well. i hope it works out that way. anyway, goodnight.

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