Friday, April 30, 2010


yes, figaro. the kingdom of course, not the song or beloved pet. go go final fantasy! today's video, 012, is up and i think it came out pretty good. i always say that though, don't i? actually i think the only one that i didn't like all that much in recent history [read: since 005 a.k.a. since i actually got serious about vlogging] is 010. just because i didn't put all that much effort into it. you tell me. no, really. tell me. i need to know! feedback!

tomorrow, christin and i will hang out in the day and do all sorts of craziness and maybe have some fun as well. tomorrow night, we're babysitting the twins, which should be interesting as usual. while some may call it babysitting, i call it hanging out at rhonda and richard's house while the babies sleep soundly in their rooms. a.k.a. we're probably going to get totally caught up on the big bang theory. that won't take long, considering we're on episode 10 out of 19 now. woot! then we've got to get caught up on heroes and house.

oh life, how exciting you are.

my sister says i need more hyperbole in my posts to make them interesting. to that, i say purple monkey dishwasher! or karate pencil case. either one, really. anyway, today ruled like a llama with a burkah in the middle of 7-11 drinking a cherry slurpee through a slim jim straw! no really, just picture that and imagine how awesome it would look. man, that's awesome. so awesome i'm just going to stop typing now, because nothing i will ever enter into this text box will ever be as cool as that visual.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Exclusive Cardholder Benefits

what, chrome? cardholder is not a word? if that's the case, i may be able to prove that i'm not even legally obliged to pay my best buy credit card off. bwahaha. yeah. it's late, and i'm still up. tonight i plan to reset my clock by staying up super late and napping instead of sleeping. this way, hopefully, i will be tired by midnight tomorrow and go to bed at what you charlatans call a 'reasonable hour'. pfft. reason. like i care about reason!

my desktop photo is so freaking creepy.

tomorrow's video should be interesting. i have a few ideas about what it may be, but i haven't made a decision yet. if i'm getting up when i think i'm getting up from my nap in the morning, i'm going to have plenty of time to plan it and film it. this is good. i got all of my schoolwork done today, and that was great. still haven't gotten my paper graded yet, so i don't know how that went. my life is quite dull, it seems, from the reading of my own blogs. perhaps i should be more interesting or find more interesting ways to describe mundane things.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Not Too Late

i'm blogging this from my phone because i am far too lazy to turn my computer back on. i just turned it off, after all, and then realized that i hadn't blogged tonight. well here it is! christin and i had a great anniversay celebration [three years, baby!] at medieval times. our knight lost, but it was still pretty epic. she gave me my talent trees which are great, and i gave her a proper wedding ring.

i know. it's about time!

tomorrow is schoolwork day again. man, is it really thursday already? time flew this week. i am pretty excited about making friday's video and making music and a lot of other things that i hope to be doing in the very near future. it's been hellish not making music, and tuesday's video made me really excited about getting back into it again. that and julie got a camera, which means that julieandstacy can start making videos again. woot! goodnight, friends. thanks for reading.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dot Org

today was an interesting day. i did a video, which was less of a video and more of a song, and i think it came out alright. that took up most of my day, and the rest was occupied with me and christin's annual tradition of celebration... a day early. it's our anniversary tomorrow, and tonight we did our ritual of watching t.v. in the bed and eating chicken mcnuggets. then we went to finish the ritual by watching lost, but it was a rerun so we didn't watch. well, i did. she worked on my present... which is epic. i'll post pictures when it's done.

for tomorrow night, we're going to medieval times for a night of nerdy awesomeness. of all the many places we could've moved, we had to move to another place that had a medieval times within driving distance, didn't we? ;-D i love it. there's one in california and i've been to it once, back in my senior year of high school, but christin has never been. i'm super excited about it. we're gonna geek out and eat with our hands.

tonight i sort of got sucked in by youtube comment debates. the latest dan brown video about Jesus has started somewhat of a storm of bad theology and religious pluralistic nonsense that is like freaking crack cocaine to my proverbial argumentative nostril. wait, you don't snort crack. you cook and smoke it. silly me and my improper drug metaphors. anyway, i should probably not do that anymore, but i'm sure i'll spend plenty of time doing it tomorrow. not crack. the whole arguing thing.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Volcanic Ash

paper done. i think it came out pretty good. rounded out the school week pretty well, ready for two easy weeks before my final paper. that's gonna be interesting. i already never want to read another fact about reader response theory and the like for the rest of my life, i can't imagine what a paper that's 3x as long is going to be like. yikes. i just learned that there is such a thing as a cryo-volcano that spews cold stuff. that's pretty awesome. of course, when it's this late, just about anything is pretty freaking awesome. yep. another one paragraph post. i earned it this time. goodnight!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Arrangement

it's early for bedtime, but i'm headed to bed. i'm tired tonight, and the thunderstorm just stopped, so i think it's good timing. today was a blessed day of church, lunch with the in-laws, napping at the in-laws house while christin looked at a photo album and relaxing at home. everything is going well over here in the newman household. today i aced my quiz and tomorrow i'll write a paper that will get me 100% as well! hopefully. we'll see. it's a short paper, so it should be easy enough.

thinking of what to do for tuesday's video. i really want to do the 2010 hip-hop census mixtape that jin put out, but i dunno. i'm kind of late for it. not sure if i'd even do very good, but we'll see. if i can find the time to write something good tomorrow, i will. still got stuff to edit for my man, nic. i totally dropped the ball on that in the past few days, just totally spaced on it. need to prioritize that 'cause i love my broseph! alright, that's enough blogging chit-chat. seeyas.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


tonight was a nerdy night. we spent the day lazing about thanks to a joyous wake-up call around 4am from stompy mcstomperson upstairs letting his friend in. who knocked on the door for some mysterious reason instead of just calling on his phone. why?!?!? anyway, we hung out and played wow all day and geared up christin's rogue. then we watched the rest of season 2 of the big bang theory, which was excellent. now we need to start on the current season and get caught up!

not much to say, really. we didn't end up babysitting because rhonda and richard didn't feel like going out, which is okay. we didn't end up going to a movie in the day because christin didn't want to go out. we did go to goodwill and pick up a new old computer chair for christin, because the last one we got from goodwill broked pretty fast. i'm gonna fix the old one and use it. we also got sugar/flour containers and some vinyl record for christin's parents. church tomorrow. very excited about that. after that, we go to christin's parents for 'lunch' and then back to the homestead.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Late Night With Me

it's late and it's time for sleep. my wife is making funny noises. today i visited her at work and had a nice time playing with the babies and bringing her a sub from selby sub shoppe. they're pretty rad if i do say so myself. after that, i filmed this and i hope you like it. my new lens makes me look like an angel in this one, because i didn't turn off facial recognition and the backlighting wasn't so great. next time, i shall improve! tomorrow we may go see a movie in the day, and tomorrow night we are babysitting. fun times! bad blog is bad.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oh The Pain!

another day, another dayness. there's some serious conversation going on over at my facebook wall on the topic of tomorrow's video's subject matter. wow, that was a horrible sentence. today was just a day, nothing terribly exciting happened until my wife came home and we had amazing tacos. our friend becky came over and enjoyed a mini-tostada because she doesn't eat... and her baby was a cute baby. as always. even though the dog totally owned him a few times.

tonight i raided icc25 with a pick-up group, and we got to rotface and wiped a few times before we called it. too many people that weren't paying attention, and it's really an execution fight more than anything else. we didn't have the dps for festergut. i'm being incredibly esoteric at the moment, for all the people that don't play world of warcraft. in short, i played a game and had a good time! and tomorrow, i will make a video and it will be good. see you then!

p.s. i wrote this last night and thought i posted it, but i just saved it as a draft... epic fail.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Total Inability

today was a chill day. it was rainy, so i was kind of annoyed that i couldn't go outside... so i didn't. besides taking the dog for a walk. my lovely wife went to the store for me and got all the fixings to make chicken tacos tomorrow night. she's doing 'em up the right way, making the chicken in the good 'ole crock pot. i have no idea why i'm typing like a southerner right now, it's just part of the act, folks. nothing to see here.

tomorrow is schoolwork day!

my latest video has been receiving good responses, and it's really encouraging. a lot of people are saying it's my best one yet, though a lot of people say that every time. but not just my friends! it's cool to hear it from people i don't know as well, people who have been out of contact with me for a long time or know me through other friends. i need to send out a few tweets slash e-mails slash direct youtube messages to the vlogvetica people to see if i can get it some attention from their end, as they're the ones with the 'power' so to speak. we'll see how that goes. goodnight!

p.s. a very happy birthday to my awesome sister, julie. she's 25 today! i hope your party was great and i hope you're not too drunk. if you read this, even. i think you do, because you've made comments before.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Don't Unplug Me

new video is up, it was fun to make. i have battle scars! that hill was crazy to roll down. i went up to ask the lady permission to film on her property, but no one was home so i just did it. it's on like this major road too, so tons of cars driving by likely saw me. love it. couldn't be happier with the way this video has turned out. i just hope someone from vlogvetica actually watches it and approves it as a video response! and who knows, maybe they'd actually let me join up. that would spice up my internets. ;-P lots to do tomorrow, tired, bye!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Best Buy Smells Funny

today was a fairly uneventful day. i did exactly what i said i would, and i didn't leave the house for more than 20 minutes. that's interesting to think about. i got a lot accomplished though, and i'll be leaving the house tomorrow for some hijinks slash things i have to do/buy. that was a nested slash! christin and i are plugging away at the big bang theory, and knowing her she's going to be sad when we catch up because she'll have to wait a whole week between episodes. i know i felt the same way when i caught up with bleach a long time ago.

but we're so far behind in bleach now that i doubt we'll ever catch up.

no motivation! i've got quite a bit to do tomorrow. i've got to film a fairly epic video response to the lovely folks at vlogvetica, i'm going to the store for some items of some consequence [such as milk], i've got four papers to proofread/correct for my seminary student friend nic, and i've got to call a bunch of places about getting the dog spayed. and if i've got time after all of that i should probably get a head start on my week's schoolwork. but i'm sure i'll wait until the last moment for most of that because that's just how i roll. oh yeah, and my dad wants recommendations on a laptop for him. how did i become the go-to guy on tech stuff? i have an hp.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lamb Chops

crazy day! well not really. i absolutely adore the church we went to today, and i hope we go back next week. we found out that some of the opc's missionaries to china actually attend at this church and will be presenting there on may 9th! so exciting. i don't want to jump the gun, but i smell God's providence all up in this ma'. we had a nice day of hanging out, video games, talking, watching our new favorite show [bbt] and it was just really neat. i have an awesome wife.

i highly recommend getting an awesome spouse.

our guild raid didn't happen, so me and my friend chris got in a 25-man icc pick-up group that got through the first wing. it was really fun! i was really impressed by my dps, considering i had the worst gear of the whole raid. but i still got around 9th overall and 4th on saurfang. super stoked. i didn't get any drops, but i got lots of frost badges and i'm slowly but surely approaching the 5k gear score benchmark. but most importantly, i had fun. which is what it's all about in the end.

tomorrow i've got a bit of schoolwork to attend to, just responding to other peoples' posts and that sort of thing. i've also got a lot of youtube videos to catch up on [they have been amassing] and a video to get ready for. i've already got the idea for tuesday all set. it's going to be pretty dang funny if i do say so myself. anyway, it's about time to get to sleep. i hear my bed calling my name! goodnight, internets. rest well, rest well.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Band-Aid Faucets Own Your Soul

my ear hurts. today was a bad day all around, but it ended fairly nicely. christin's world of warcraft account got hacked [it got restored] and we got two items of bad news. you can probably check the blog of my lovely wife for the first and second, i'm not going to go into detail, but let's say that it's enough to make you crazy all in one day. we drowned our collective sorrows in papa john's, slurpees and the big bang theory, of which we're now well into the second season.

tomorrow, we're checking out a new church.

it's time to take the dog outside. actually, it's well past the time to take the dog out, but that's okay. she's been a real pill today. she's humping everything in sight incessantly, which is odd because she is a she. weird. christin says to get her fixed, but i really want monster babies. unfortunately i'm told that's a bigger ordeal than i really want to deal with. i dunno. i'm still thinking about the whole thing. it's just about bedtime, and i'm quite tired. goodnight.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hold On, I'm Thinking

after two lengthy discussions, it seems the Lord is confirming what's within the collective heart of my small but dear family. i thought, for a moment, that there may have been a paradigm shift in the works after the first of two, but it seems that my wife has been thinking about the same things as me and it's really encouraging. i am being purposefully vague, but all will be revealed in time. the short explanation is that things [as far as i know them now] are going as planned, and i'm going to take the hardest advice to hear:

keep doing what you're doing.

it should be encouraging advice, but we humans long for something new and interesting to come to revitalize our humdrum days and give further and greater meaning to our lives. we do this because either we do not have or do not understand the grace of God that has been given us in Christ Jesus and the fullness and completeness we have in Him. we totally underestimate how content we can be as individuals, families, friends and churches in the Lord. we strive for more, but the gospel is sufficient.

today i made 010 and hung out with my wife while she babysat the babies she nannies for. she ate sushi for dinner, i ate a bomb chicken parmesan sub from selby's sub shoppe, and we both enjoyed watching the big bang theory. it's time to download season 2, we're almost done with the first season now! crazy. on a related note, my hard drive is getting full. tomorrow i've got to mow the lawn and we may do some raiding in wow, which will be exciting. for now, it's another early bedtime. leave some comments, eh? yes. yes, do.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


not tonight. i don't have much to say, probably because i said it all on facebook today. i did the rest of my schoolwork and my chores [a.k.a. quest] for the day. didn't get to writing any hip-hop stuff, which i should probably do tomorrow. but i have an idea for tomorrow. not sure if i'll go for it. it all depends on how stoked i'll be on driving a bit out of the way. we'll see. i'm tired, and it's well past my bedtime. i'll write some more tomorrow night. seeya then.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Defying Gravity

it's not all that late, but i'm actually genuinely tired. could my plot to start sleeping at a reasonable hour be working? we'll see if i get up at a decent hour to match. let's hope so. today i did a video. it's not one of mine, it's the infamous julieandstacy video i've been talking about making for a really long time now, and it's finally done. it took about 2.5 hours to edit, because it was a lot of material and as organized as we thought we were when we recorded it, it was actually quite jumbled and hard to work through. but alas, it is complete!

my sister says she's getting a camcorder soon, which means we should be expecting vlogs from her and more stuff from julieandstacy in the future. i'm excited for that. i can collab with my sister, how cool is that? how lame is it that i think that's cool? how cool is it that i don't think it's lame at all and don't care about being perceived as being lame? being a nerd is interesting. i think it's liberating. it means i'm free to not worry about other peoples' perceptions of myself, and that i don't draw my self-worth from other peoples' opinions. i wish that were entirely true. i guess you could say that i'm a work in progress.

like everyone else on the planet.

i need to read wil wheaton's 'just a geek' because i've been interested to read it for a really long time. i follow his twitter and listen to his podcast, but i've been avoiding his blog. it's just massive and there is so much content to wade through. i'm the kind of person who likes to get the whole story. i actually attempted to watch all of the vlogbrothers' brotherhood 2.0 episodes in order at one point, and to watch all of wheezywaiter's videos. i got pretty far through them, but i always end up not finishing things like that. i don't want to add a blog to a list of things i want to do but can't find time to finish despite the fact that i have a lot of what mortals call 'free time'. silly mortals.

tomorrow i finish the schoolwork i started today and attempt to not leave the neighborhood for the entire day. today i would've done so, but i ended up going to shop with christin for groceries and ended up spending a lot. but i got stuff we're not going to need for a long time, like a very big bag of rice [20 lb.] and a huge container of olive oil. that was almost half the cost itself! and we got some meat because tomorrow christin is cooking my dad's style roast beef. today she made my mom's style chicken and it was great. just like home. i miss old home... but new home kicks ass.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Black(Coat,Shoes,Hat) + Cadillac = Time Bomb

it's an equation for awesome. so last night, christin randomly started talking in her sleep [which is not uncommon] and she was telling me that she wanted pancakes. not just any pancakes, 'the big ones you get at denny's! get 'em for me!' and i didn't. but tonight, we went to denny's and christin did indeed get her pancakes. they were good! i had some pulled chicken bbq sandwich which was pretty good and only like $6.00 with fries. yum!

denny's has done pretty well to bring their prices to a more reasonable level. i remember they had subway syndrome, which subway doesn't have either anymore now that i think about it. the idea behind what i call the 'subway syndrome' is that no one goes to subway because it's a great place to get a sandwich. they go there because it's cheap. for a while, it wasn't cheap. it was actually really expensive and bad. denny's was the same way, but i'm glad to see they've gone the way of subway and fixed their pricing.

p.s. new video. but watch this one first.

tonight's episode of lost was wonderful, though i can't say i enjoyed watching it. our t.v. service was just pitiful and the whole episode was 'skipping' just like a scratched dvd. drove me nuts. my wife doesn't mind that sort of thing, but it makes it virtually unwatchable for me. at first i thought it may have had something to do with the fact that we were recording it on our dvr while we were watching it, but we did that last week too and had no problems. verizon fios fail. this is fios. this is big. big fail! epic fail! not quite streamy fail, but nasty stuff.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Jump In My Car

today was great! we got a new bed, the toilet got fixed and i ate amazing chicken nuggets for dinner that were made by my lovely wife. i got a nice bed set with a comforter and sheets and everything for like $37, which was rad. i've got tons of nuggets left over for tomorrow, and my new condenser mic came in the post! now i just need a stand. i think for tomorrow's video, i'll be doing a track for mc jin's 2010 hip-hop census mixtape. been meaning to work on that, and i can't think of any other videos to respond to at the moment. not touching pogobat's newest. blech.

got into a 25-man icecrown citadel tonight and downed the first boss, which was all i really wanted to do for my weekly, and it was neat. people kept disconnecting and leaving, so we didn't get lady deathwhisper down, but all in all i had a good time. i think we're going to take a crack at getting our raid team of misfits down to do a 10-man on sunday. hopefully we will do well and have a good time but if we just have a good time without doing well, that's okay too. i should probably either make my wife play and gear up or do it for her. she could use some upgrades!

i ordered a really cheap mod for my camera, it's a magnetic 0.67X wide-angle lens that you stick on the stock lens to make the field of vision larger. it's great for vlogging, because i won't have to hold the camera at arm's length just to fit my head on the screen. it also makes the macro function on my camera work better, since anything closer than about six inches blurs out. after watching a bunch of videos, this is the one i settled on. i could've gotten a big one and mounted it on there, but i'm kind of nervous about using epoxy on my baby. ;-D goodnight!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ground Control

church was awesome. we're going to be going through the first epistle to the corinthians for the foreseeable future, and today we talked about why the church is essential to spiritual growth. it's great to hear quotes like 'no one can have God as Father without the church as mother' on sunday mornings. makes you think. if you follow me on twitter, you may have seen a couple quotes from the service earlier today. i try and tweet those as soon as we get out every week.

christin and i had lunch at potbelly's sandwich works while listening to a guy play some half-assed covers on guitar. he was okay, but he got the chords wrong for the chorus of 'last dance with mary jane' which bothered me all day. after lunch, we came home and watched a couple episodes of one of our new shows. it's about jamie oliver transforming the most obese city in america, which is rad to watch and especially rad to watch while eating ice cream and drinking soda! go me. bad habits? i suppose.

played wow a bit tonight. it's frustrating, now that the whole 'gear score' thing has complicated the way we find groups/guilds/raids. i want to raid the new content, but i'm just barely undergeared and these days that's completely unacceptable. it's crazy because honestly there aren't a whole lot of upgrades i could be reasonably attaining without raiding, unless i want to wait like a month and just do my one daily and weekly quests to get frost badge upgrades. but i have the spare time now! i want to raid now! oh my. uber sad times, yo.

i could've stayed up a bit more, but i'm going to bed at 1am this time. i've got to start getting up in the mornings at a better time, because i feel like i'd be more productive with daylight for some reason. maybe i'm getting old. but daylight means better filming and easier to concentrate on my schoolwork, which is good because i've got a class starting on tuesday. tomorrow night, christin and i will be sleeping on a new bed, which is very exciting. here's to that! goodnight.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Bayonets Really Sting

well i [sort of] promised a longer post today, thinking i would do it from my brother-in-law's house because we'd be there all night. we were, but i didn't. after the kids went to sleep, christin and i sat on the loveseat and watched like 5 episodes of the big bang theory. it was quite enjoyable! i got to talk on the phone with ritchie and nic tonight, which was great. good to catch up with people from home. hint hint. call me, people! you have my number. and if you don't have my number, you can totally get it very easily because it's public on my facebook.

though i don't think i've ever linked that here.

anyway, it's late now and i think we're going to bed. well, actually, we're already in bed but we're going to sleep soon. christin is playing her ridiculous free sushi game on her phone and i am sitting next to her and writing this blog on my laptop, which i didn't feel like setting back up on my desk so it's actually on/in/near my lap. weird. the cat is making noise, and the dog is looking particularly lethargic at the moment. tomorrow will be a relaxed day, i got about all the exercise i can stand for a day chasing my niece and nephew around today. our church tomorrow. woot!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Frustration Is Killing Me

i've got a lot to say, but i don't feel like saying it. tomorrow night, i will most likely write something long. i'm feeling creative, inspired even, but discouraged in my artistic efforts due to my distinct lack of proficiency in the art of promotion. oh, the world. here comes another one-paragraph blog again. sleep is sounding really good right about now. sleep it off. don't be discouraged. i spent all day on a video and it's still not finished, thanks to youtube. yet the partners' videos i watch frequently seem to come up looking like roses in minutes. no surprise there. bobby said it best: the times, they are a-changin'.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Can't Stand

the raaaaain! 'gainst mah window. actually it's fine, i don't really mind much. it's coming in short bursts. the only thing i don't like about the rain here is what happens to my front yard after it's done raining. it turns into a freaking swamp, inviting bugs of all sorts to feast upon the dank depths of our muddy lawn. it's no bueno. today was kind of uneventful, really. well, there was one event, but it wasn't pleasant.

i had a bit of a scare earlier with my unemployment check, which i absent-mindedly sat on the seat next to me as i drove down central avenue at 40 miles per hour with both windows down. to find it, i conducted a scientific experiment. i pulled over, grabbed a piece of paper about the same size and weight and put it where the check was. then i turned around and started driving, looking on the left side of the road just in case i happened to see it. the paper flew forward, then under my passenger's seat. i pulled over again and there it was under the seat. i was really glad i hadn't signed it.

yikes. i'm just now realizing that i've got to make a video tomorrow and i haven't the slightest idea what i want it to be about.

i'd ask for suggestions in comments, but let's face it, you guys that read this [if anyone but my wife actually does read it] aren't gonna do that. you're too lazy! so i will probably do something strange and it'll be okay. i really hope dan brown puts my response in the big 3 this week, as i'm sure that would greatly boost my subscriber count. that would most likely encourage me to do better work. but my philosophy has always been to treat my artwork, video making included, as though there were a thousand people watching, even if there isn't.

this week, i ordered a usb condenser microphone and stand from amazon. i don't know when it will get here, but as soon as it does i'm probably going to start recording some music again. so i need to make some beats to rap over, since the only thing holding me back from recording the stuff i've written over the past few years is lack of a decent microphone... and beats. anyone make beats or know someone that makes good east coast style beats that wants to do me a solid and hook me up? i'd gladly split any proceeds with them if you do. let me know. goodnight.

edit: happy 50th consecutive daily blog. here's to 50 more.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

There Is...

nothing to see here. move along. long day! long night. lots to do tomorrow, as always. don't forget to not wear shoes tomorrow, in honor of a day without shoes. check out the website if you don't know what i'm talking about. i'll post some more tomorrow and try not to cheap out on blogging like i just did right now next time. sorry! good day! goodnight.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Gruuu... ...

o hai. i made you a video, but i ated it. if you know what the title of this blog means, you're pro. like super pro. and i like you, a lot. today was a pretty good day, but it's starting to get hot. i enjoy heat in terms of weather, but it doesn't lend itself very well to vlogging and driving at the same time, as you end up with audio issues. if i were less lazy, i'd actually edit my audio separately and make it all sound a ton better, but the way i edit my stuff makes that slightly difficult.

and now all of our bill payments are scheduled for this month. ahh, responsibility. between what we have in our bank account and what is going out this month, there is a $0.42 difference. awesome! but i'm expecting two unemployment checks before the end of this month as well, so that will be our money to spend this month. and this month's budget includes a few hundred dollars for a bed, which we may be getting as soon as tomorrow night. why am i excited about budgets? i'm getting old.

tomorrow i've got a lot to do. i love this weather at night. i'm almost caught up with my youtube subscriptions, thanks to my wife instituting a ban on playing world of warcraft tonight. looking at the night's progress, i'd say that was a good decision. and look, i'm still up way too late at night, so clearly i'm not just staying up to play. i just have a sleeping disorder! hooray? i don't mind it. but for my wife's sake, i'm going to start slowly moving my bedtime closer to something the average person would deem reasonable. we'll see how that works out.

Out Of The Woods

another day past, another class finished. it's nice to know that i don't have to worry about school for another week for now. pretty cool. tonight, christin made the awesome chicken again and i wasn't so hungry. so i get to eat the rest tomorrow, which is great! i'll be making a video tomorrow too, and doing some other editing for a few other projects. good times. i decided today that i really need to get a drum set and a microphone, maybe some other instruments and start recording music with my wife... because my creative needs are not being met, and there are songs to be written.

got a chance to raid the trial of the crusader for the first time tonight. it was fun! i got a couple items and the achievement for doing it all the way through. pretty efficient for a pick-up group. so yeah. that's all i've got for now, it's mad late and i'm getting tired. gotta get my sleeping schedule on track starting tomorrow, for sure. been staying up too late because i'm just not tired. i still get up at the same time every day, but i'm seeming to be less tired at night. weird. goodnight.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Killer, Dude.

i can't do this tonight. so tired. ;-P is this cheating? today was easter. it was cool. i like turkey and rice and lemon bars. i ate too many robin eggs. my wife is sleeping loudly, it's very cute. i has a kitty and a puppy. they are my only friends. new justin bieber, baby. please don't dance on my bowling alley, and i will not bowl on your dancing alley. goodnight, friends. better blog tomorrow, i promise you.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Helping Yourselves

the title of this blog is inspired by the fact that i haven't yet titled any blogs with any words that start with the letter 'h' and that bothers me. i'll be doing the other letters this week as well. how to train your dragon is probably the best dreamworks movie i've ever seen [which isn't that big of a compliment, because kung-fu panda was 'okay' and i hate the shrek series] and in general the best animated film i've seen since the emperor's new groove. that's saying a lot for me, because i like a lot of animated flicks. ;-P

today we had a date. we saw that movie that i mentioned, then we went to friday's for dinner and had a lot of food for not so much money. then we went home and i helped christin [read: checked twitter and played collapse free on my phone and did a couple things for her] make lemon thyme bars, which hopefully will be good. tomorrow is easter, woo-freakin'-hoo. i should be more excited. we are going to our church for the 8:00 service, if christin isn't too tired [which she will be] and our brother's pentecostal church mainly to see our niece act in a play.

then it's dinner at the parents'. turkey! rice! woo!

i'm excited that i'm on a schedule now for my videos. it's going to be a challenge to stick to it and do them on time, but we'll see how it goes. when i put myself on a deadline, i either fail miserably or keep it religiously. but hey, i've done well on this blog for the past 45 days now, so i'm fairly confident that i can make it happen. i didn't aim particularly high or anything. it's time to sleep, so if i need to get up at 7:something i can. even though i probably won't need to. and i'm not even remotely tired. i will force myself to sleep!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Written On Your Face

this bunny isn't as good as the other one. just sayin'. i made a video today about robin eggs. i hope you like it. leave a comment on the thing in the thing and link it wherever you wish. i could use the promotion! i had a huge headache of a time getting the video to work properly post-editing, thanks to quicktime being a total failure. every time i want to sync my phone, i have to install the newest version, whereas every time i want to make a video i have to downgrade to 7.6 because apple cares more about making tons of money selling giant ipod touches than they do about fixing bugs in their crappy software.

tomorrow, i believe, we have no plans. that will change soon, i'm sure, but it's kind of nice to know that i don't need to do anything [besides edit the video footage i didn't finish today due to lack of time and technical difficulties] and yeah. i don't know what i'm saying. why am i blogging? it's time for bed. goodnight to all of you. thanks for reading. it means a lot, even though you guys never say anything on here. i'm confident that people actually do read this.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

VIctory Over Ford!

no, the title of this blog is not the name of a turisas song... though it could easily be one. today i got a check forwarded from my dad for $1220 from ford motor credit. let's back up a bit. ;-D when we moved to hong kong, christin was paying [way too much a month] for a car and we couldn't get rid of it. the car was not worth what she owed on the private market, so we surrendered her focus at the dealership. they said 'no problem' and sold the car. shortly afterward, they sent us a settlement bill for basically the difference between what they sold the car for and what she owed.

we had no idea this was actually illegal.

that's right folks, if you surrender a vehicle you're making payments on, the company cannot make you pay them a settlement or continue your payments after the car has been returned to the one who owns the pink slip. two years after this event, we got a letter in the mail from a class action law suit that said we'd get all the money back. this was good, because we had originally borrowed the money from my parents. it's going straight back to them, but i'm glad it's finally over with. i don't owe my parents anything. this is a huge deal for me.

today i went to the store and bought a ton of vitamins, stuff to make meat sauce [from ground chicken], some cutlery and two chocolate bunnies. don't judge me. i also bought a bag of mini robin eggs. you know, the whoppers with a candy shell? more on that tomorrow. i'll be making a video about it and spending most of the day editing it and the julieandstacy f.a.q. video i should have done weeks ago. i'm such a failure. just got out of my first halls of reflection run, and it was really fun! got some upgrades for dps. for now, i will go to bed because i'm tired.