Sunday, May 22, 2011


slept in today. way in. rested a lot during the day and thought about what to write for my second to last final paper of my undergraduate career, though my wife surely assumed i was just being lazy. actually, i know she did, because she told me that when she went to bed tonight. anyway, the paper is indeed done, and a day early at that! the reasoning behind this has to do with the fact that i have to close tomorrow night [sad times] as well as upload a video in the daytime [hooray!], the combination of which leaves little time for paper writing. this has effectively ruined my perfect streak of procrastination, and for the first time at ashford, i've turned a paper in before it was due.

not sure how i feel about that, actually.

so now i'm trolling facebook, watching youtube videos, and scripting out tomorrow's video in hopes that i can get it rolled out before i leave for work at 1:40pm. granted, i probably won't finish editing and upload the video until after work, but one can dream. i just hope i budget enough time to get all the filming done without compromising on length or quality, like i feel i did with my last video. i don't know why, but i'm feeling self-conscious about that video. it's not like it got negative reviews, or people didn't comment, or anything like that... it's just that i felt like it was really good and deserving of heavy sharing, but that didn't materialize. oh well, can't win them all, i guess.

next week's videos will be done in the style of a variety show, with segments and all. i'm very excited about that. the subject matter will be mostly english-based, with a few outliers and just outright bizarre/humor situations. it's mostly about exploring the format and trying to work the educational aspects into a natural flow of a television program, so i hope i can accomplish that at the very least. i think it'll be fine. this week, i will be starting my last class at ashford. that's very exciting to me. what am i going to do with my spare time when school is over? what a silly question that is. goodnight, sports racers. enjoy your burrito.

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