Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Wario Vs. Waluigi

of all the days! i don't know what that means. i recorded a video today, which can be seen here. it's about double negatives, which are quite fun to play around with, kind of like silly putty. the ice in the front yard is almost all melted. guess that means it's time for it to snow again, eh? the weather has been colder as of... well, as of today. earlier this week it was almost like spring had sprung. this winter is lasting forever? at least for tonight? no, stop, chris carabba. anyway, i didn't get the smog thing done because i left the paper at the house. i have to do it tomorrow though, so i'll be sure to let you know how it goes. ha. right.

work tonight was excruciating. it's the worst when it's slow, because it just seems to drag on. we got to close super early though, which was a plus. i got home shortly after the time i was supposed to leave sears, and christin was still up. i proofread some of her homework, which she's doing really well on, and worked on editing the video while she finished up some more school stuff. it's good that she's getting back into the swing of the school thing. ;-D uploaded the video, did my daily stuff on wow, checked out some youtube and vyou videos and now it's bedtime.

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