two direct hits. i've got to quit this whole lazy sunday thing. i know it's a day of rest, but when i miss church, it's not really resting for me. i dislike it. spent most of the day with christin, catching up with our shows and watching some doctor who. we're five episodes into the first season of the new who [eccleston], and it's just now getting really good. surprised that a show that's been so hyped to me by friends is holding up so well, but i said that about firefly and buffy as well. last week's big bang theory was top form. loved it.
so tonight we had a store meeting for q, and we learned some things we've been doing wrong for making coffee and talked about a bunch of stuff regarding building the franchise/store. it's really exciting to be so close to a good group of people in a small business, where my voice actually has an impact on the daily operation. feels good. the meeting went late, but i came home with food for the misses and we watched another episode of who before bedtime. which is the time it is now. not much else to say about today. yesterday's post is so gargantuan, i can't hope to live up to it! so yeah. i'll just plug my work's facebook and twitter pages before i go. i'm running them! so go like/follow us. kthx!
facebook linky no work!!