Monday, February 21, 2011

Juice By Sarah

today i worked an opening shift, which was enjoyable and felt a lot shorter than it actually was. i got to draw on the chalkboard thingy, which was fun, and we did a special today. at least one person ordered it, so that's good i think. it was really busy today, because it's a 'holiday' and kids have the day off from school, but that really meant that it was a lot of foot traffic and not necessarily that we sold more product than usual. granted, we probably did better than a normal monday, but not by leaps and bounds from what i could tell when i left.

end last night's entry. begin this morning's recap.

after i got home, christin and i watched some doctor who again and ate potstickers. mmm. i got so tired after dinner that i fell asleep on the couch at around 10:30 or so, and we just kind of slinked off to bed. it was weird because i normally don't get that tired that early, but i think it all just sort of caught up to me. i haven't been sleeping that much lately, mainly because i've been working every day to some extent. it's okay though, we need the money for sure. anyway, it's time to go out and walk the dog. bye!

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