Saturday, July 31, 2010

Towne With An E

today was a day in which days were dayed. i have no idea what that means, but that's pretty much the summation of everything today. i slept in way too late, went out to deposit christin's check and eat lunch, came back and took a nap for way too long, then woke up to raid. that was kind of a bust. the first few attempts went really well, then our raid leader [if you can call him a leader since he doesn't actually lead anything] kept having computer problems and making really basic mistakes.

it was no funs.

anyway, tomorrow starts august, in which i will be attempting to upload videos that aren't terrible on my second channel. that should be fun. we'll see if i actually manage to do it or not, but i think i may be able to pull it off. a lot of people i know are vlogging daily this month, but yeah. i've been doing it for the last two months, just not really taking it seriously or uploading anything that's really quality. tomorrow will be another day! wow. did i just say that?

edit: today will be another day. fail upload.

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