Saturday, July 24, 2010

We Know!

as much as i'd love to come on here and put the same thing i said yesterday [that i drove 8 hours today and i'm tired and don't feel like posting], i know i can't get away with it this time. i know, it's true again, but i need to type something for all of my rabid blog readers, right? right. well, then again, i don't exactly know how many people read this thing. i should find out how to figure that out. i know for sure that at least 5 people read it [hi becky, christin, daks, julie and matt] and that's enough for me. if only i could be so content for my youtube channel!

lots of people sent out my video's link from yesterday, which is great. i love it when a plan comes together! today we went to detroit, and it was not so cold in the d. it was hot and humid. anyway, i had my first white castle experience, and on the way home we saw a combination white castle and church's chicken! and it was open 24-hours! too much awesome in one building. does not compute. i love church's chicken, it's my favorite fried chicken joint in the wooooorld.

we saw liz, hung out for a while and got dinner at a pizzeria called 'buddy's' which was pretty good. it was like 'square pizza' so it was kind of halfway between a french bread pizza and deep dish. i got chicken parmesan because i wasn't feeling the pizza thing and didn't feel like picking off toppings or making people get less toppings. my food was delicious, but still not better than fat angelo's in hong kong or joe's crab shack in dallas, and i could only eat half of it. mmm. lunch for tomorrow! speaking of tomorrow, i think we're going to the local o.p.c. and seeing inception. epic. excited! goodnight to all, and to all a... goodnight.

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