Wednesday, June 9, 2010


is it really wednesday? man, you sleep through one weekday and the whole week's a blur! today i spent some time shooting footage for a video i'm attempting to develop for a website i won't name here at this time. haven't edited it yet, i don't think i got quite enough stuff today. this friday we're going down to north carolina to hang out with nic and his wife laura, so i should get plenty of shots during the trip. excellent, no? yes.

went to lush at the mall to check out what was going on there, and it was a protest against the tar sands in alberta, canada. pretty crazy stuff. apparently like 70% of the oil produced there goes to the united states, so it's not just americans saying 'hey canada! you suck! rawr!' although, to be fair, lush is a canadian company. so there ya go. check it out on their website. made spaghetti for dinner, which was good aside from the wheat pasta. blech. christin liked it though.

at the gym tonight, they showed the 'new' superman movie, the one from 2006 with kevin spacey as lex luthor and some noob as superman's son or something? or some pan-dimensional superman who never ages and has superbreath. anyway, whatever, it was ridiculously bad and i don't understand how it got such high critics' ratings. most of the reviews i read were barely in the positive, more like 'not bad' and i guess that skews the tomatometer a bit. meh. anyway, i'm going to sleep now! tweeted up a storm tonight. it's #dbtw, suckas.


  1. For the record I LOVE wheat pasta, and I also disliked the "new" superman. :)

  2. i like it in penne form, but not thin spaghetti. it's all grainy and weird tasting. maybe i overcooked it, that's a possibility. anyway, i like my regular noodles just fine!
