Monday, June 7, 2010

Ragtag Misfits

i blog every day. it's interesting. it's something i said that i would do sometime near the beginning of this year, for at least one year, and i haven't technically missed a day yet. i don't always have a lot to say, and i mostly just talk about what i did that day or offer some insight into my life. i try to keep it somewhat interesting, but when you do something every day at around the same time each day, it tends to be something you don't put a whole lot of time and energy into.

sometimes i end up saying something profound, entertaining, witty, clever, informative or grand, and sometimes i don't end up really saying anything at all. sometimes i put a picture in here, but usually i just end up leaving it as text. a lot of people have said that they don't like reading white on black, but i'm far too lazy to change my layout for those people, and i generally have a distaste for lighter blog layouts.

what can i say? i'm a dark person.

today was christin's day off, and i can say that we didn't use it to the best of our abilities. i ended up spending most of the day asleep, because i was having a pretty epic dream which included war, explosions and me owning an in-n-out ripoff franchise. the fries were more like potato chips but the method of creating them was like this spinning reverse blender that shot the chips outward and they dropped into a fryer they were dragged through methodically like some wacky conveyor belt. it was awesome.

after that awesome dream, i woke up and we went to get some lunch and off to target to replace our shower curtain that is way too disgusting to try and clean. yes, i am part of the problem, and no, i don't really care too much about it. $3 every few months for the joy of not having to scrub mold and hard water stains off a large, clear piece of vinyl seems worth it enough for me. the earth can take a hike! anyway, the rest of the evening was equally uninteresting. tomorrow will hopefully be less uninteresting.

p.s. i made this video. watch it.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha Im lazy and I replace shower curtains often too!
