Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Feet Now

so this was a last minute idea that i think panned out pretty well. christin always did say some of the most random and funny things i've ever heard her say when she was playing wow. we are both leveling new characters on a new server to play with some friends we met down in north carolina. it's pretty awesome. the server is eldre'thalas, for those who may be wondering. alliance. anyway, today we hung out and played a lot of wow and saw the karate kid remake. it was good!

watching all these scenes in china and hearing mandarin spoken got christin and i really stoked on asia even more. christin was getting sad because she was remembering things and just thinking of how we're not there. teary-eyed wife is no bueno. anyway, apparently she lost her license at the mall and someone turned it in. my dad called me pretending to be a psychic, saying that he knew that christin was missing something from her purse. silly dad, she didn't have her purse! she had it in some shorts with very loose pockets. silly pockets.

anyway, to make a long story short, i walked all over the mall for nothing because the concierge in the mall [not the one at the movie theatre, which is in the mall] was closed at 9pm. lame. so we have to stop by the mall again tomorrow after church and before we head to the in-laws' for a father's day celebratory... something. yes, something! and who knows what else. yep. that's about all for now. this is bud on the great adventure. wait... hold on a second. that's not my line.


  1. how long have I been trying to get you and christin to come play wow with us and you wouldn't. now you start toons to play with other people. nice.

  2. you and like a ton of other people. ;-P the family we're playing with has 6 kids that all play wow. they made a pretty compelling argument.

    i couldn't really get into the whole aie thing when i checked it out or i would've gone over there. just didn't grab me.

  3. haha, you say i play horde like it's a bad thing. i can't stand the attitude of alliance players, and i have yet to raid with someone under 18 since i switched. no joke.. i really don't miss alliance at all.

  4. it is a bad thing for me, because i don't want to level and gear up another shaman and i don't want to pay $50 to transfer my main and faction change.

  5. also, i've met people under 18 that are way more mature about the game than some 'adults' with the fps mentality. you can't blame it all on age, and you certainly can't blame it on faction. you're in a good guild with a mature attitude, you can find those on every server and any faction. if you don't, it's not because they aren't there, it's because you aren't looking hard enough. ;-P
