today i basically officially got a job which i start tomorrow. this is exciting. i've got school and work tomorrow. how boring! today was relatively uninteresting, with the exception of some nerd-rage status argument on facebook that makes me dramatical. yeah. so i've not got much to say at all. tomorrow i get to put on my hat, which is way more exciting than it should be. i also think i need to wake up at a decent hour to get stuff done, so i should probably go to sleep. i've been thinking of something interesting to put here for a while now, so i'm gonna give up now. love.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Thank You Kyle
today was pretty great. in the day, i mostly slept because my body was killing me after last night's insane workout. then i got my final unemployment check [sad] and arranged my information for my new job [happy] which i will meet up to start tomorrow and actually start on thursday! great news, right? right. i watched a lot of youtube and hung out with my lovely wife, who made me an awesome dinner of deliciousness.
tonight was way's live show, which was fun to be part of. it's always good to watch his stuff, it's like hanging out with a friend. actually, it's not like that. it is that. i'm glad to have made some good friends on the internet, because when i move to hong kong, they're some of the few that i know will stick around and still be friends despite physical separation, because in most cases the physical separation was already existent. in the case of way, i'm excited that he's coming back to maryland this fall. good times. tomorrow will be grand! goodnight.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Here, You Are Equal
today was great! earlier i was calling around to try and get prices on repairing the chips in my car's windshield [state law requires it to register the car] and i found out that i could get it done for free! so i did. and now it's fixed. good story! i know. there was a huge thunderstorm for about 10 minutes followed by a huge accident on west street, which is where i was, so it was a bit of a long afternoon.
after that adventure, christin and i went to check out a class called 'body combat' which is a mixed martial arts style kickboxing class. it was fun, but hard. it's been a while since i've done kickboxing, so i was incredibly tired afterward. we came back home and hung out a bit before bedtime. i've been playing a bit of wow, finishing up week one of schoolwork [this class is nuts] and now watching an awesome movie about making a movie. love it. and now it's bedtime.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
the weekend of vegetation insanity continued today, as our protaganist [buel burton newman the fourth] and his lovely wife [christin joy newman] did just about as close to nothing as humanly possible today. we watched the entire season of the new 'v' today and yesterday, which was nice. it's a fun show. we played some wow, we enjoyed one another's company, and we missed church. see, our bodies were non-functional this morning, for one reason or another. horrible.
school isn't going too terribly. i don't like this class, though. hopefully i can just get through it as soon as possible. i don't like how america-centric a lot of the information i'm getting is, as it isn't very relevant to my future profession. bleh. i guess you've got to teach for the masses, though in my major classes, there aren't many people. not much of a 'mass' there. this class is way too big, though. too many people to know, talk to, comment on. oh well, i'll get it.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Port Me Back
today was the lazy day to end all lazy days! i slept in way late, my wife and i did practically nothing all day and we ate a whole pizza for lunch/dinner. yep, one meal. it was quite wonderful. we played a lot of world of warcraft and veg'd out. christin wasn't feeling too well in the evening [though she did go out to get her hair cut in the morning] so we didn't go out at all. the upstairs flatmates are playing beer pong. hooray, beer! boo, noise. ;-P
note: so i wrote this and didn't remember to finish it last night so i'm posting it now. here goes! have a nice day, sirs.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Hooray, Beer!
today i made and posted videos. the end. just kidding. i also played some wow and hung out with the wife. we had chinese food for dinner, and it was excellent! we also watched the last episode of firefly [/cry] which was quite sad, but a really good episode. i'm looking forward to the movie, which we'll probably watch sometime tomorrow i guess. christin gets her hair done in the morning, and my friend elyce is going to cut mine soon, too. good for me, right? right. i agree.
only 5 more days until: i can put a hat on, i can stop vlogging daily [if i want to], christin gets paid. woot! i think i start my new 'job' next week. that should be interesting! yep, yep, yep. i don't know what else to say, really. i went out really late to get ice cream and i ate it and it tasted really good but it gave me a stomach ache. ow. i'm fine though. tums ftw. it's sleepy time, i'm tired. yeah! this was a fairly useless post. i give it 3/10.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Silly Pajamas
with the exception of this morning, today was a good day. i spent the day [after trying and failing to sleep all morning, thanks to my animals] doing schoolwork, which was productive. afterward, we had company over for dinner, our friend elyce. it was delicious, and i even cooked it! then i took a super secret trip to somewhere to get something that i can't mention yet on the internets! it was a long drive, i just got back and i'm incredibly tired. too tired even to upload today's video, so that will be late. oh wells. goodnight, people of the internet.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
After Today
so i kind of got a job today. it's a part-time temporary thing that could potentially be a long-term thing. i'm not going to say what it is or get too excited about it right this second, because i want to do it for a while before i decide whether or not it's going to be something worthwhile. given its very flexible nature, i'll be looking for something else at the same time, because why not? i'm not busy a lot of the time, so i can handle it. well, i am busy, but i don't have to be.
today was a day of relaxation and stress. my phone call screening interview thing was supposed to be at 10am. for some reason or another, despite my best efforts, i missed the call even though my phone swore i had 4 bars in the spot it was at. weird. so all day i was calling this lady, sarah, and just trying to make sure she knew i was still interested and to try and re-schedule. eventually at 4:30pm i ended up talking to her and it went fantastically. she seemed impressed.
i've been watching that show 'v' today, since i downloaded the first season a while ago. i only got it because juliette from lost and inara/wash from firefly are in it and that intrigued me. also, i kept seeing the 'previously on' section at the end of lost and it looked interesting. it's a remake of a miniseries that i haven't seen, and i don't know if it's beloved. i think the show is good. it's got me hooked, anyway. the acting is good and the pacing is fast and exciting. well done.
today i decided not to continue my series and leave people in suspense one more day for the last video, the thrilling conclusion of the 'tell me a story' series on my alternate channel. i did a wink for wheezy waiter instead. i think it was good. ;-D anyway, tomorrow i've got schoolwork to do and not much else until my interview/orientation thing for another job and a super secret drive to somewhere special tomorrow night! i'd say where and with whom, but there is a slight chance that the person it's secret from may read this. very, very slight.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Pity The Fool
so the movie a-team was amazingly good, despite all my expectations to the contrary. it was just a great action movie. not as cheesy as i thought it'd be. the characters worked. i didn't have any sort of nostalgic tie to the show, so that may have helped me enjoy it more, though i'm not sure that anything was particularly inaccurate. that's just the most common complaint with television to film adaptations, and vice versa, so i'm assuming that's the deal. it might not have been.
anyway, today was a nice day. i got all of the chores done in a good amount of time, spent some time chatting it up with mister unwin on skype, got my book in the mail [the day before i really really needed it] and got my unemployment check [finally] yesterday. just remembered to say that. so i thought my job interview thing was this morning, but it's tomorrow. please pray for me! it's time for sleep. goodnight.
Monday, June 21, 2010
25% Higher Performing
less tooth pain today than yesterday. hmm. the final went well, i think i aced the class again and i'm maintaining my 4.0 which is good news. i start my new class tomorrow, which i'm not super stoked about. it's about race relations or some other such... well, not nonsense, but silliness. perhaps it will be good. the book was too expensive, so i rented it. we'll see how that goes. blah. i could've gone to a show today, but i missed it by the time i remembered to check when it started.
tonight, we made hong kong style french toast, and it was glorious. we hung out with becky and her little boy brody, which was fantabulous. other than that, not a lot happened. played some wow, did some quests, did a bit of a social experiment on facebook that you can see here, and now i'm off to sleep. good times. tomorrow will hopefully be more interesting. goodnight.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Get Me Some Water
not feelin' the blog tonight. tooth hurts, head hurts. today was church, which was great! we learned about contentment in Christ and not longing for worldly treasure. such an important message to learn, especially when you are poor financially as we are. after that, we went to the in-laws' to do a father's day thing. i didn't know it was going to last all day, but it did, which didn't help my head at all. i love my family, but the kids... yikes. headache +1. put christin's new video up. check it out. final paper tomorrow, well, 2 pages of it. easy. goodnight.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
My Feet Now
so this was a last minute idea that i think panned out pretty well. christin always did say some of the most random and funny things i've ever heard her say when she was playing wow. we are both leveling new characters on a new server to play with some friends we met down in north carolina. it's pretty awesome. the server is eldre'thalas, for those who may be wondering. alliance. anyway, today we hung out and played a lot of wow and saw the karate kid remake. it was good!
watching all these scenes in china and hearing mandarin spoken got christin and i really stoked on asia even more. christin was getting sad because she was remembering things and just thinking of how we're not there. teary-eyed wife is no bueno. anyway, apparently she lost her license at the mall and someone turned it in. my dad called me pretending to be a psychic, saying that he knew that christin was missing something from her purse. silly dad, she didn't have her purse! she had it in some shorts with very loose pockets. silly pockets.
anyway, to make a long story short, i walked all over the mall for nothing because the concierge in the mall [not the one at the movie theatre, which is in the mall] was closed at 9pm. lame. so we have to stop by the mall again tomorrow after church and before we head to the in-laws' for a father's day celebratory... something. yes, something! and who knows what else. yep. that's about all for now. this is bud on the great adventure. wait... hold on a second. that's not my line.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Banana King
ladies and gentlemen, i present for your viewing pleasure: icetastic. this is far and beyond my new favorite character to play and write for, and it's really really easy to do. it's great. i talk about it in today's vlog as well. i forgot to mention yesterday that i applied for 4 jobs and got e-mails back from 3 of them, which is good. one seems kind of sketchy, but the other two i have interviews [one on the phone, one group orientation deal] this week on wednesday and thursday. cool stuff.
today was a good day, and no i'm not going to reference ice cube here. though my video is relevant to ice cube, as it's about ice cubes. hmm. interesting. anyway, after i got my videos done, i went and hung out with christin at her work [she worked late tonight] and we watched 2 episodes of firefly. only one left, then serenity, then bitter nerd tears and some re-watches. i'm sad already. dang it. see, this is why i didn't watch it before! but i'm glad i did. anyway, tomorrow we're probably going to go see karate kid and play wow with the carpenters. excitement!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Phoney Bloggy
hello. the internets stopped working and i hadn't gotten my blog posted, so here is a lovely little placeholder for now until i can post a real one in the morning. woo hoo! yay! and instead of making a new one, i'm just going to edit this one. yeehaw! so yesterday was my last actual course content day for this particular class, and i couldn't be happier. i just took linguistics like 6 months ago in junior college, so a lot of this stuff was review and not helpful. some of the more application oriented assignments were cool to do though, so it's not all bad.
i posted a video that i think would be interesting to comment on for everyone right here. it's on my alternate channel where i talk a lot. i'm liking the freedom it brings. tomorrow i'm doing a sketch and not geekin' out! and i will not apologize for it because that's just lame. i don't feel like doing a new geekin' out! because it's time consuming and i would need to write a script for it. so there. i'm doing a sketch and it's gonna be awesome. because i said so. ha! hope england wins tomorrow.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Another Day
work, work. lots of video editing today. lots of filming today. how much money did i make, though? none. so sad! if only... anyway, i made this. it was fairly long-awaited, and i hope that julieandstacy get to do videos more often now. i applied for partnership on that account, in hopes that we can eventually start doing some original songs and monetize the videos to make a bit of money off it and sell the mp3's on itunes or something like that. that would be swell.
tomorrow i'll be spending pretty much all day finishing the homework for the last week of class and looking for jobs online. it's about that time. my latest check hasn't come yet, because i apparently did something wrong on the form. hate when that happens. anyway, i hope i can get something that will bring in enough to where we won't have to be barely scraping by each month. right now, even if i didn't make a dime, we would be okay. barely, but okay. there are some major expenses coming up like registering the cars that is gonna hurt us in the pocketbook.
another thing for tomorrow is christin's video. she re-recorded it today, and i've had the footage for the montage part for a while now, but i just haven't edited it yet. i don't want to burn myself out on it! i've already decreased my 'workload' and been slacking on my alternate channel videos lately, but meh. it's starting to feel like a job, which would be fine if i were getting paid to do it. as far as right now goes, it's getting less fun. so i need to either start making money from it, or do it less until it's fun again. i'm pretty sure that the latter is more likely.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
In Which The Protagonist...
buys a coffee pot and drops it off the moon. as though the moon were some sort of object that items could be dropped from. prepositions at the end of sentences have never made me cringe, nor have i ever complained about them to other people. just sayin'. hello. today i made this, and it's not very good apparently. that's okay, i don't really care. no, actually, i do care. no, actually, i'm just taking up space so i can start a new subject on the first line of the next paragraph.
much better. today was spent filming and editing and smoking in a non-smoking area... minus the last part. this is all reminding me that i need to download and watch like the last 20-30 episodes of aqua teen hunger force, because i haven't seen any in a long time. tonight we went to the gym and that reminds me that i haven't done christin's weight loss channel video for a long time. i should do that tomorrow. i have so many videos to do tomorrow, it's not even funny. shoot me.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Never Looked That Way
i pretty much spent all day today writing my paper for school, which was not a terribly interesting day to spend the day. fortunately, it signifies that the class is almost over, which is definitely a very good thing. one more week of linguistics that i've already covered in my junior college class. woot! so christin and i started playing world of warcraft again, starting out on a new server with a huge family of nerds we met in north carolina. it's going to be fun! playing a hunter.
tonight while i leveled up a bit, i tried to catch up with some of my youtube subscriptions, which was pretty difficult because i missed so many days. i got through a lot of it and skipped a few, so it looks like i may be unsubscribing from a few of the less interesting ones that have been uploading less and less good stuff lately. it's a shame, really. i hope i never become like that with my channel, and if i do i hope i tell people beforehand. tomorrow is filming day! yay!
p.s. looks like blogger has been drinking some of twitter's haterade, so this will probably be going up in the morning. blah.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Who Am I?
i posted the three videos from this weekend on my alternate youtube channel, all three of which can be viewed here, here and here. i like the way they came out. it took me a while to edit them all down and render them, but i think it was worth it. it's really late now, and i'm really tired, so i'm going to forgo a lengthy blog entry for now and just say that i miss mount airy already. we met an awesome family [the carpenters] down there and the church is just rad. but it's good to be home and the animals are happy to see us. more tomorrow!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Shalom, Y'all
i'm blogging earlier than usual because we're at a wi-fi hotspot in this tiny christian coffee shop and i don't want to try blogging on my phone and not being able to upload it because edge network is terribad. ;-X anyway, yesterday's post didn't make it clear but the title was inspired by the fact that nic took me to the largest open-face granite quarry in the world yesterday. my buelification video was about that, actually, but i haven't uploaded it yet because it would necessitate us being at this coffee shop for just way too long.
i'm going to have to put up 3 videos tomorrow on buelification and just call it good. i'm still shooting and editing them, but i have no way of getting them up. also, it's becoming more taxing to manage to fill my commitment to do one every day that i had imagined, especially when i'm out of town. in town it's so easy to just get it done quick, and my videos usually take no longer than an hour for the alternate channel. i probably won't continue to upload every day past june.
anyway, today we went hiking in the morning at an awesome place called 'pilot mountain' which had a great view. it was a good hike, and i'm realizing that i need to hike more. i like it. christin kept up really well, and i'm super proud of her. she's amazing! after that, we went home for a nap after a coma-rific waffle house brunch, then it was off to shelton winery for a tour and tasting which was interesting. tour was kind of dull, but the wine was tasty. the sweeter wines were really good.
so yeah! that pretty much brings you up to speed with what's going on over here. i'm sitting here listening to some good and some bad christian music, nic and laura are on their computers behind me getting some work done with the blessed internets, and christin is in the corner on the 'comfy chair' sipping her spiced chai and reading her book on fertility - highlighter in hand. good times. it's been a good day today, despite my tooth really hurting me again. it comes and goes. anyway, church tomorrow and the long drive home. excited to see nic preach!
Friday, June 11, 2010
That's A Big Rock
hello. this entry will likely go up tomorrow, as i have no internets at this location and i really don't see myself getting to a free public wi-fi spot any time soon, so there ya go. today we drove down to mt. airy, north carolina to hang out with the lazzareschis and it was a grueling adventure. there was a ridiculous accident on the main freeway [interstate 81] in virginia and after about 45 minutes of not moving, we overheard that the accident was something like 5 miles ahead.
so we left.
we went up the onramp, which was scary enough in itself, and just started 'winging it' through the middle of nowhere in virginia. trust google maps had failed us, and wanted us to go through over 100 miles of back-roads to get to mt. airy instead of taking the interstate, for some reason, so we decided [after the third sign we saw that said '81 that way' and the route plotted on our phone said 'go the other way'] to get back to the interstate. i swear we drove down the road from the movie 'jeepers creepers' at least twice. creepy. anyway, we're here now and it's all good.
note: the upload date on this post has been adjusted for the sake of consistency. it's currently 5:37 e.s.t. the next day.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Oh Shirt!
this is going to be short and quick, because i totally forgot to write my blog today and it's time for me to go to sleep because we have to leave for north carolina [c'mon and raise up, take your shirt off, swish it 'round your head, spin it like a helicopter] at 6am tomorrow! yikes! today i filmed my video for tomorrow which i'd link, but i can't because it's not up yet. i'll edit and upload that in the morrow if i can find some time to do it once we get there. a-boogey snickle snickle.
i also filmed this video which you should go to and watch and hit 'thumbs up' and actually even if you don't watch it, you should just hit 'thumbs up' anyway because if you don't, you advocate child slave labor. just sayin'. anyway, we went to the gym and it was fun! i watched cast away, which is the third most depressing movie i've ever seen [after seven pounds and requiem for a dream] and i burned like 800 calories or something. at the same time! i know, right. okay, it's bedtime. watch out for those man-eatin' jackrabbits and that killer cacti!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
is it really wednesday? man, you sleep through one weekday and the whole week's a blur! today i spent some time shooting footage for a video i'm attempting to develop for a website i won't name here at this time. haven't edited it yet, i don't think i got quite enough stuff today. this friday we're going down to north carolina to hang out with nic and his wife laura, so i should get plenty of shots during the trip. excellent, no? yes.
went to lush at the mall to check out what was going on there, and it was a protest against the tar sands in alberta, canada. pretty crazy stuff. apparently like 70% of the oil produced there goes to the united states, so it's not just americans saying 'hey canada! you suck! rawr!' although, to be fair, lush is a canadian company. so there ya go. check it out on their website. made spaghetti for dinner, which was good aside from the wheat pasta. blech. christin liked it though.
at the gym tonight, they showed the 'new' superman movie, the one from 2006 with kevin spacey as lex luthor and some noob as superman's son or something? or some pan-dimensional superman who never ages and has superbreath. anyway, whatever, it was ridiculously bad and i don't understand how it got such high critics' ratings. most of the reviews i read were barely in the positive, more like 'not bad' and i guess that skews the tomatometer a bit. meh. anyway, i'm going to sleep now! tweeted up a storm tonight. it's #dbtw, suckas.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
English Orthography
today i made this and this and it was weird and fun. even my dad liked it, man! well, the first one anyway, i don't know about the second. my wife made some quite delicious pulled bbq chicken sandwiches for dinner on wheat rolls. it wasn't shake 'n bake, but i helped! crock pot livin' is the life for me. what? i don't know. tomorrow i should probably do a bit of schoolwork and head to the grocery store to get some things that i can't think of right now. and film two videos, one of which is important. here, have some lyrics:
so i'll let you know
if you need
somewhere to go
i'll be listening when you call
and i'll be there if you fall off
if you need
someone to believe in you
i'll let you know i will
yeah. i was just thinking of those lyrics and decided to post them. it's from a song by less than jake called 'the brightest bulb has burned out' and you should probably get the album 'anthem' and listen to it, because it's that good. not just that song, but the whole album. in fact, it's probably my favorite less than jake album, though losing streak and hello rockview still hold a special place in my heart for nostalgic purposes. and the songs are great. yep. that's all for tonight.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Ragtag Misfits
i blog every day. it's interesting. it's something i said that i would do sometime near the beginning of this year, for at least one year, and i haven't technically missed a day yet. i don't always have a lot to say, and i mostly just talk about what i did that day or offer some insight into my life. i try to keep it somewhat interesting, but when you do something every day at around the same time each day, it tends to be something you don't put a whole lot of time and energy into.
sometimes i end up saying something profound, entertaining, witty, clever, informative or grand, and sometimes i don't end up really saying anything at all. sometimes i put a picture in here, but usually i just end up leaving it as text. a lot of people have said that they don't like reading white on black, but i'm far too lazy to change my layout for those people, and i generally have a distaste for lighter blog layouts.
what can i say? i'm a dark person.
today was christin's day off, and i can say that we didn't use it to the best of our abilities. i ended up spending most of the day asleep, because i was having a pretty epic dream which included war, explosions and me owning an in-n-out ripoff franchise. the fries were more like potato chips but the method of creating them was like this spinning reverse blender that shot the chips outward and they dropped into a fryer they were dragged through methodically like some wacky conveyor belt. it was awesome.
after that awesome dream, i woke up and we went to get some lunch and off to target to replace our shower curtain that is way too disgusting to try and clean. yes, i am part of the problem, and no, i don't really care too much about it. $3 every few months for the joy of not having to scrub mold and hard water stains off a large, clear piece of vinyl seems worth it enough for me. the earth can take a hike! anyway, the rest of the evening was equally uninteresting. tomorrow will hopefully be less uninteresting.
p.s. i made this video. watch it.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Star Wars Without The Aliens
re: the title of this blog entry, that's what firefly kind of sort of is. with a 5th element twist since it's almost like river is a less awesome, more annoying leeloo dallas. without the multipass. it appears that i have found a cantonese tutor in the area that's reasonably priced and willing to work with me and keep me going in the right direction. score one for chinese! yeehaw.
i had to turn the computer back on to write this entry, and i'm not super stoked about that. pretty much i'm just super stoked to go to sleep. i'm tired. today was a long day of doing not a whole lot but it felt like a lot. we went to a great church service, had lunch with our friends [one of our elder's family] and came home. made probably the most bizarre video i've made in a while, watched 3 eps of firefly and now i'm sad because we're almost through with it. oh my.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Feels So Good
today was cool. spent a lot of time with christin at the mall, out and about, watching firefly. we saw 'get him to the greek' and that was pretty hilarious. we visited our friends at lush, ate ridiculously good bourbon chicken for lunch and ridiculously good pizza for dinner. we watched a great episode of firefly, almost halfway through the series now. we caught up on community the other day, by the way. i didn't note that before. consider it noted!
spent a good deal of tonight on my buddy way's live show on ustream. it was interesting. most of it was silliness and random conversation, but when we started talking about youtube and community and everything, it was very interesting. lots of good stuff brewing there. way is really looking long-term and beyond youtube, which is exciting. as for me, i'm just doing what i can for now. i'd love to be able to spend as much time as i do making videos for now, but it's going to come to an abrupt end very soon when i absolutely need to start working again.
church tomorrow. excited! making a video for christin's weight loss channel tomorrow as well, which is super cool. it's time to sleep now, i'm quite tired.
Friday, June 4, 2010
I Call It Vera
well kiss my grits, today's long work has culminated in this video, linked conveniently for your own viewing pleasure. took a while to decide on editing and get it all done, but i'm pleased with the final product. i'm pretty stoked on it, but interested to see what people think of it. it's almost absolutely nothing like the first one, as planned, and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense in the end. and that's exactly what i wanted.
don't worry. you'll get it eventually.
this weekend seems to be wide open, in terms of plans and commitments. we've got none, as far as i can tell, and we may be heading down to six flags on monday for some roller coaster action. that'll be a good time for shizzle. christin has the day off again, because her boss has family in town and her wonderous services aren't needed. good times. three-day weekends. we may go see shai linne perform tomorrow, and/or see a movie. we'll see how it goes. oh! i may have a cantonese tutor and not just an online skype one. details to follow!
edit: on a serious note, today is a fairly sad and infamous day. watch this video to get a look at it.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The Creepiest Desktop Ever?
so i don't know if i've announced this on my blog yet, but christin changes my wallpaper for me at least once a month. the first time, it was david hasslehoff looking out a window with a wacky xmas theme like a bad c.d. cover, and this time... well... let's just say it's indescribably creepy. so much so that i simply must post the picture here and let you see for yourself. yikes. here goes:

yeah. and i do this knowing that it will cause many people on my facebook page to steer clear of it, and many others to immediately click to read more. that's what frightens me. i'm sure many people have seen this picture before, but i'm fairly certain that most of those people don't see it every single day of their lives, tiled 4x across two monitors. i'm almost numb to it now, but from time to time i just look at it and shudder.
like right now.
today i mowed the lawn, practiced cantonese [as i detail in this video, which you should probably not watch, that i am not linking on my facebook page because it's on my 'discrete alternate youtube channel'] and got some schoolwork done. i watched the ending of avatar while working out on an elliptical, which was interesting, and i caught up on my youtube subscriptions. go me! it looks like i'll be filming part 2 of the button series tomorrow. keep a weather eye on the horizon!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
我要學廣東話快啲拉. it's making me crazy. 日日消失 and i still have to cheat to come up with words to put in a blog post that is going to be read by 鬼佬 who don't know what it says anyway. or just look it up on google translate and get a bad translation. it's frustrating. i need to learn more, i need to learn quickly. i need to prioritize learning the language of the city in which i hope to live for the rest of my life.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
this game wrecked me. thanks a lot, pappy. anyway, today i felt horribly sick, as explained in 015 here. it was quite a miserable day, with the exception of the immense happiness of getting my car back from the shop [quickly followed by the pain of paying $280 for the repair] and a wonderful dinner cooked by the loveliest of lovely wives, my lovely wife. i finished my paper for school, only one day late, and i think it came out just fine. we'll see about that.
tomorrow if i feel a bit better, i'll get out and mow the lawn and maybe be productive. if my buddy is available, i may do a cantonese lesson via skype or msn, which would be wonderfully awesome. if not, i may have to stick with my rosetta stone mandarin. blech. but it's better than not progressing in my chinese. silly silly silly.
i've come a long way with twitter. ever since i started thinking about how it could be utilized and especially after reading the king of the nerds, wil wheaton's blog on the subject, i've been using it more. and i like it. i hated it at first, i was totally anti-twitter. but now i use it quite frequently and it's really a great form of communication. as i tweeted the other day, 'twitter is like free international sms for cool people.' i think that's true. so follow me, send me an @reply and let's chat a bit, eh?
edit: i re-read this post after submitting it and i must now let you all know that i just lost the game. stupid game.
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