minuteclinic visit: $62.00
prescription meds: $9.99
non-prescription meds: $16.99
buckling down and just going to the doctor instead of complaining about the sinus infection that you've had for the better part of two years without treating: priceless.
in short, i went to the 'doctor' today, which is a good thing, and i begun my medical regimen that'll hopefully bring wellness to myself. i put doctor in 'bunny quotes' because i don't know if she was a doctor or a nurse, and i'm all about being proper, right? right. i also picked up some food at giant and a terribly terrible primatene mist inhaler for my wife because she's out of hers and the ones we order from overseas for cheap because the health care system in the united states is ridiculous (to the extent that i want to scream and curse) forces us to haven't arrived yet.
schoolwork done, doctor done. tomorrow i need to make this house look like people live in it. and by people, i mean non-lazy people. in short, tomorrow night, i need to construct an elaborate hoax in order to prove to my wife's friend that we aren't as lazy and poor as we actually are and pretend that it makes a difference whether or not things are set in order. i suppose it does, but when 'order' means crates and broken computers shoved in corners and closet (singular) because we're too poor for shelves and cabinets, i hardly think it does at this point.
but socioeconomic deception is the name of the game!
i'm sure i'll catch heat for making it sound this way on my blog, but i'm only half serious. really i just use the concept of blatant honesty as both a humorous, cynical storytelling device as well as basically an excuse to continue my laziness. oh woe is me! i'm gonna do it, of course. but this way i get to complain about it in a way that makes me sound as if i'm rebelling against the norms and cultural expectations that society has forced upon me. it's fun to pretend though, right?
hey lis....