Friday, March 5, 2010

Taste The Intensity

oh motivation, where art thou? i knew it would be a challenge to keep up the commitment [that i now realize i didn't actually ever make] to blog every day, but i didn't know that it would happen so quickly upon arriving in maryland. i don't really want to do anything right now, my motivation is at zero, but i press onward! listen to me go on and on, i'm like a worthless lazy sack of beep-n-beep-n! if you get that joke, you rule. if you invented that joke, i can't believe you read my blog.

i don't like blogs that exclusively talk about the writer's own personal current events, especially when the individual is particularly uninteresting and not notable, but that's all i've got for today so that's what you're getting. the great thing is that i can now justify my blatant boring posts like this one by saying that people may actually care to know what's going on in my day-to-day because i've just recently moved across the country.

ha! take that, logic!

actually, now that i think about it, i love reading crap like that. i love watching crap like that. it's so interesting that despite all of the interesting stuff i watch on youtube, the stuff that can really draw me in is the hum-drum daily vlog. the best one that i watch, which is actually the only truly daily vlog that i watch, is ray william johnson's 'breaking nyc'. he's fairly youtube famous because he runs the insanely popular '=3' which took your mom jokes, bad puns and viral video to a whole new level. the funny thing is: i don't really like =3 at all. i like breaking nyc.

i like the idea that i can check out another person's life in a non-invasive way. i think the reason behind this lies in my fascination with people who live their lives very publicly. a lot of the time, i wish i were that type of person, and i'd actually like to do something like a daily vlog in the future and involve my wife as well. we'll see how well that works out. i think the implications of living a public life are ineresting, especially given the spiritual aspect of being a 'public persona,' sans ego of course. that's the biggest thing to keep in check. can it be done?

wow. i've just realized that i managed to make an entire, somewhat lengthy blog post that's about blogging everyday life without actually blogging everyday life. since i want to keep it that way, and nothing that happened today was particularly interesting to the point that i must point it out to you 'like omg right nows,' i will let the irony stand. ;-D

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